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Everything posted by Trivane

  1. Trivane

    How the alpha could be MUCH BETTER

    Paranoid much? Is it really that hard to find a safe spot to log off? I think the general point here is that if you're in a firefight, was just in a firefight, witnessed a firefight or believe you are about to be in a firefight then you probably shouldn't be thinking about logging off. If you are then find a safe spot, make sure you weren't followed and log off. I hate to come off as a smart ass, but this really isn't rocket science.
  2. Trivane

    How the alpha could be MUCH BETTER

    If you lack the common sense to log out out in a safe area, then you deserve to die. Simple as that. I'll gladly take a one minute logout timer in order to eliminate the combat logging cowards.
  3. Trivane

    This game will only be a niche .....

    1. "No Factions" You are correct in the assumption that a lot of Dayz players don't want factions or anything more than a simple grouping function added into the game. Yes, Rocket may have mentioned SA could be considered an "MMO" in the sense that large amounts of people are playing the game in a single shared environment. But, I believe that is where the simillarities end. Just because EQ, WoW or other popular MMO's have done things in a particular way doesn't mean Dayz will or should do things in the same manner. The "all out chaos" you mentioned shouldn't be looked at as a hinderance but rather as an enhancement to your experience. The inability to control who you interact with and other unknown factors experienced while on a server only adds to the atmosphere Dayz is attempting to capture. A "red vs blue" situation where everyone can be instantly identified by a color detracts from the apocalyptic realism of Dayz. This game is not for the faint of heart. 2. "The Grind" It appears you have missed the entire point of Dayz. There is no end game and, in my opinion, there shouldn't be an end game. This is a sandbox experience where you have the responsibility of creating your own content by using available in-game means. The very meaning of the term "grind" only makes sense if you have some ultimate goal to work towards. You can choose whether or not to pick up that compass for navigation. You can choose whether or not to search for food and drink before you make your way to some other destination. It's entirely up to you. This game has no rails, no linear environment where everything you need is neatly laid out before you in an orderly fashion. Again, this game is not for the faint of heart. 3. "Zombies are Weak" If you been paying attention for the last five days, you'd know that zombies are working as intended for the time being. They've intentionally toned down and limited the number of zombies in order to see how their servers react to player load. Do I even have to mention the word "alpha?" 4. "No Endgame" See point #2. There aren't any bosses to fight or new zone instances to explore or a set of gear you must acquire in order to be successful in this game. You define what your level of success should be and how to get it. Dayz has an inherent RP aspect I feel a lot of players don't choose to take advantage of or attempt to get involved with. By no means is it required for you to RP in order to play Dayz but, in my opinion, it greatly adds to the overall experience. You get out of it what you put into it. I don't want to turn this into a "everyone death matches!" discussion. I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't the mod. Rocket is well aware of the current state of the mod(s) and I've got faith he will address these well known issues in the future. 5 "3rd party Addons or UI" That is the last thing I want to see in Dayz. If the developers get good feedback from the community about ui improvements, then let them make the appropriate changes. "...people prefer to use to use 3rd party addons in their game." Actually, no, you're wrong. Not everyone prefers to use 3d party addons in their game. The proliferation of 3d party addons in WoW are one of the main reasons I left the game. It made everything easier and then turned into nothing more than a list of things you were required to have in order to do X or Y. WoW catered to the lowest common denominator in the interest of massive profits; something I hope Dayz shrugs off in the interest of making a quality UNIQUE game. You start off by saying there is no endgame and then end up saying you want more sandboxy things. Well, which is it? Do you want your game on rails or do you want more freedom? From my perspective you can't have both. All in all, it's way too early to be making such a concrete judgement about the game. It's been five whole days and already we're seeing a fair amount of complaints about things of which we have no real information. There is still a TON of work to be done on the game and many many updates to come our way. Let us try to be patient and help the developers solidify the future of Dayz by contributing to bug testing and giving good feedback on the things they ask for. Complaining about "no endgame" is not only unfair to the developers (because you don't know their plans) but also way too premature at this point. Also, by calling anyone who shows excitement for something we've waited two years for "fanboys" and "yessirs" only diminishes your own credibility. No, I definately don't want an "autographed dildo by Rocket" added to my inventory. My reaction to the game is just that: A REACTION. If something makes me very unhappy, I'll speak up about it in a constructive manner. If things get really bad and show no hope of changing, I'll just stop playing. On the flip side, if something in the game makes me very happy, I'll speak up about it and do my best not to come off as some blind fanboy pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows. Believe it or not, a large percentage of Dayz players are smart, level headed individuals.
  4. Okay, and? I was injured by a zombie early on, lost a lot of blood because I spawned in an already looted area with no bandages, and barely survived. Did I hit that respawn button or jump off a building? Nope. I soldiered on, made my way up north and looted up some really good gear. Most of this took place at night as well. The entire time I had to listen to my character moan and groan and look at a gray landscape because I couldn't regen health for lack of enough food. I still had a blast exploring new areas and lost all my gear when a new patch went live. Was I mad? Nope.
  5. Trivane

    please remove the barracks at balota

    And will be replaced with new locations where future epic encounters can be had. So far, I'm loving the new Chernarus.
  6. Trivane

    please remove the barracks at balota

    I don't really see the big deal. The mod, in its various forms and iterations, had military loot spawns at Balota as well. Even then, we still saw a good number of players travel north and not hug the coast.
  7. Trivane


    I keep getting that same error. Do I need to create another profile/login in order to access the bug reports? I don't want to waste the developer's time by reporting bugs that may have already been reported or acknowleged. Gonna hold off on reporting until we get a more concrete answer on this. Most, if not all, of the bugs I'd like to report have been covered already in this thread but I'd rather not sift through 10+ pages of comments.