I might have a temporary solution for that. Actually, I found the trick on Reddit, but basically it says that you need to finish zombies off, even if they are already down. Since we've encountered this bug a lot, we tried the idea on our server and it worked. I'll try to explain. So, we had some invisible zombie attacks several time, without knowing what to do, and after a while we noticed that this only happened after we shot down few Z. When we decided to try what I read on Reddit, we were on the airfield, and we started shooting every zombie on sight. Few seconds later, one of our teammate was attacked by invisible zombie, and so we decided to put a bullet in the head of every zombie we just killed. After that, the attack stopped. We reiterated the process 5 or 6 times, and each time we were able to locate where zombies felt down and finish them off, the attack instantly ceased.
It just like the zombie's script attack is still alive, and when you shoot it in the head once it is on the ground, its "status" goes to 0 (or dead) and only then, any script associated to it is canceled. Just like if it was out of combat (laying down but not dead, and not crawling either) and its attack script is not considered as "dead" and but you can't kill the script, you have to find back the body to put a bullet in its head...yeah it sounds a little weird ^^ ...but it works, and if you can take few minutes to try it, we might go back to a relatively peaceful gameplay without worrying about invisible stuff. You just have to double check every zombie you shoot, and there you go !
On a side note, can't wait for the little bird... :p
EDIT : I forgot to say that the "script" has a consistancy, since it can block you on your way to the zombie you just kill. it happened to me last time, I was at around 50m, he didn't see me and I did not take any hit (it couldn't be delayed damages). I shot him in the chest, he felt down and I started to go towards him to finish the job, and then I heard him screaming, not gnarling (when it occurs, there will mostly be invisible "zombie" on his way) When I was moving forward, I've been blocked by something on the way that I couldn't see (typical invisible wall syndrom we can encounter in some other games), and punches started to fly. I slighty strafed and run to the Z, shot him in the head and attacks stopped. Hope it will help some of you or even the devs for a way to dig.
Cheers !