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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Make zombies spawn trigger much further away. 200 meters is way too short. A few reasons for this, the first is simply aesthetics, it looks awful seeing zombies just pop up all over the place. The second reason is this ability to tell if other players are within a town. They almost act as an early warning system. Are there zeds in town? Yes. Then there are players in there too. It removes any element of surprise with entering a town and removes any element of stealth. Spawn triggers should be at least double what they are now, but should be much more if possible.
  2. Well I was running around playing last night and thought. My backpack has no baring on how much sound I make. So I thought of this idea. How about this, the bigger the backpack the more noise you make, bigger backpacks are more than likely going to have more zips and make more noise with the amount of stuff in them. I know this isn't 100% realism but it does add a whole new dynamic to what backpacks you choose to wear. Those pouches might be a more of an appealing choice for those who want stealth more than anything else. Just a thought. :)
  3. Griefers and Bandits gotta eat too. They still gotta go find a weapon too. Everyone is affected by this not just one group of player. Also from my experience these people who tend to KoS usually have a huge pack to carry all the loot they steal. This game needs players to have to make more choices and this is just another choice a player would have to make. This is the choice between life and death. Do I take the big loud backpack and grab tons of food,drink, medical supplies for my group/family with the risk of pulling more zombies and getting killed or do I take the small quieter backpack with less risk but with little space to pick up loot to feed my group/family meaning I may have to take more trips running a higher risk of running into bandits? Different choices of risk and reward is a cornerstone of what makes this game great and there needs to be more choice for risk and reward.
  4. The game is hardly out of its embryo and people are already posting "fail" threads. This is exactly the kind of bullshit crap I talk about here. This thread deserves an empty tin of beans. :emptycan:
  5. Sorry, why are servers failing? I don't see servers failing. They are doing their job just fine. Hosting an Alpha Test. That's all they need to do and that's what they are doing. I don't see any servers failing in that respect. When people ( some server hosts included ) realize that these servers are here for play testing not real play then there will be fewer of these pointless threads. What you should realize is that this is a base test bed for things to come. Things will change, but at the minute it needs to be this way to reduce certain variables that would adversely effect such a test.
  6. To the OP, nice work in surviving this long, take a lot of time and patience to get where you are. For those saying he is not testing, balls! He is taking part by playing the game his way and in his style. Staying alive for 48 days he has clearly done more testing than some. He might of found a bug that when you get to day 40 your character's wiped. Every day this forum gets filled with more and more self-righteous buffoons. OT, I have taken the plunge myself and I can say I haven't lost any items or my character. The switch for me was pretty painless. Hope this helps and keep up the good work. =] Have a tin of beans. :beans:
  7. For the love of God will you people give this development team a break. Anyone would of thought this game has been in development for 5 years or something. Just over a mere 3 months this mod has been released and all you hear about is, my gears lost, fix it! the hacking is so bad you aren't doing anything to fit it! Too many hackers! the servers lag fit it! This game sucks there's nothing to do! These patches don't fix anything they just cause more bugs..... blah blah blah blah blah. Threads like this are a prime example. Problem is there are those members in the community that want instant results. The " I want " generation, those group of people that opt into a community like this and expect everything all at once at the click of a finger. People ALREADY pulling out the " I'm threatening to leave and tell all my friends how much this game sucks" threads. For fuck sake people this is a mod that has only been released to the public for just over 3 months! The dev team has enough on their plate with the huge influx of players, 300,000 in the first 2 months! Without having self important keyboard warriors demanding they " fix the game or they ain't going to play anymore " Instead of filling these forums with excessive demands of how they should be fixing everything and how they aren't working fast enough to deal with issues like hacking. Perhaps you should start developing your own game and see how damned hard it is. What people fail to realize is all the back end work going on. The stuff behind the scenes that doesn't actually have any physical change to the game itself. Those little net code tweaks, those extra 100 servers, extra bandwidth, web design, database management all to help keep up with the high numbers. These all cost time and money and are the back bone to this community and game development. These have to be set before any real development can start. Give them a chance to get this solid foundation set, they are a small team. I just sick to death with hearing whiny demanding posts from people who think that this dev team owe them something and need to deliver in an instant. They don't owe you shit so cut them some slack for Christ sake! >:( /Rant Over.
  8. Good discussion here about different zombie types. I'll continue to call them zombies for as long as the mod is called Day"Z".
  9. It is broken, you're just one of the lucky ones to find some morphine. :rolleyes:
  10. You're more than welcome, and thank you for inadvertently adding to the clutter yourself. Hypocrisy is great fodder for comedy.
  11. I totally agree and this is usually my way of dealing with such posts. Problem is, it's nearly every other post these days. You would of thought the words Alpha Test Stamped on the front of the box would be a big signal to these individuals that make these posts. I'm starting to think that these individuals are simply mental patients dribbling on their care workers keyboard.
  12. As Hendrix states, yet another one to add to the pile...... *Twitches*
  13. I just have this image in my head now, dude sat in a darkened room. Box of tissues on the side. Two buttons on the screen, one labeled memes, the other porn. Cursor flicking between the two buttons. Memes or porn, memes or porn, memes or porn?
  14. Geez dude I'm not even working on the mod and this shit stresses me out, I hope the dev team don't read some of the crap people post. Including my personal little rant. XD
  15. Lets face it, people like collecting, be it coins, rings, diamonds or kills. Having a kill counter is just a visual incentive to get more kills. Have a tin of beans. :beans:
  16. Pretty much everything discussed in this thread has been already discussed here.
  17. I always wondered if blood had an effect on movement speed. I can definitely confirm though frame rate has a huge impact on movement speed.
  18. I'm not too sure, if they are then they aren't blacklisting them very well lol There are dozens of servers with global enabled.
  19. What are the rules on servers with Global Chat turned on? From what I can understand to get Global working you need to edit mod files which is against hosting rules. So should these servers be reported or is it ok to edit server files to enable global?
  20. Game Purchase only. I would be willing to buy extra content so far as good large DLC that doesn't give those who purchase it any real advantage over others such as uber guns or equipment. Perhaps extra maps to explore. Different looking home base instances, different clothing, character looks. Lots of extra character customization in regards to players attire. Much like the TF2/portals model but not $5 for a poxy fucking hat. Studio Developed with a strong tie to the community. Nothing wrong with getting a communities suggestions added to a game. I would go for both. Studio and Community based servers. Nothing wrong with giving people the choice. Could even have Golden Baked Bean Tin subscribers who are guaranteed slots in studio ran servers. I think the Kickstarter really depends on what offers you've had already and how much control you want over your dream. This is something you need to decide for yourself. Sorry tried to keep is short.
  21. I do the same. I play with a few others and they all tend to have barrets and m4s hunting players down and there's me with my Remmy and my Colt. collecting up as many beans and pasta as I can. Perhaps not as extreme as experience as you're having but I'm sure I'll get there some day.
  22. The feelings you are getting are empathy and morality. Something very few of us have left in this zombie apocalypse. Have my beans!
  23. Lmao. Yeah I don't have to role-play in this game either. I just go around and act like a right c@#t.
  24. You're taking on the role of bandit who doesn't want to kill someone but just rob them. Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.