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About DanteHikosu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DanteHikosu

    0.61 Stable Loot

    I completely agree with the main topic, and the addition of more barns sounds phenomenal. I personally would take a Sawed-Off Double Barrel over an AK just because of how I like to survive and handle gunfights, but I can only manage to find them about one out of every twenty or so barns that I check, sometimes more. I would be extremely happy if the spawn rate of weaponry was increased in barns.
  2. DanteHikosu

    Best combo weapon in the game ?

    Sawed-Off Double Barrel and Magnum, Ive saved myself from a band of four bandits with that combo once. Whilst it is hard to get my hands on a double barrel the ammo is easy enough to come across, and it fits my play style, since I usually like to close the gap in a firefight, or get as close as possible stealthily.