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About Graywolf4409

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  1. Graywolf4409

    Zombies see throught the walls?

    I once had a mad crazy ass sprint run, shooting zombies in the street like they were nothin! Got cornered in a building, taking them down with my AK, one bullet at a time. Was having fun breaking loose from all the sneaking and all that. Got ended in seconds, as a zombie hit me from the outside through the wall. I know it was from the outside, because when that one hit knocked me unconscious, my head fell out of the building and i could see him munching me. I think the problem may have been solved for standard attack range, but zombies got a buff in that regard and this bug appeared again.
  2. I hair aiming down the sights, its TOO accurate. Almost never miss a shot from the hip, im like a cowboy with the way i use my revolver. Just place my target in the middle of my screen and KA-POW! Insta kill.
  3. Graywolf4409

    1 hit passed out

    I've had it happen a few times, its a pain in the ass because it usually ends in your death based on RNG. Though i barely find my legs breaking, friends seem to get their legs broken all the time
  4. Graywolf4409

    Any UK Manchester DayZ players?

    I am, moving to Nottingham soon for Uni though
  5. Graywolf4409

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    I find the best approach for a friendly time, is to state that you are there, you do not want a fight, and that you are leaving, and do not want to trouble them. It was worked many times, even when i spawned into the supermarket and two guys were there pointing shotguns at me. Luckily they gave me enough time to sloppily change to direct, cos spawn on group channel
  6. Graywolf4409

    How do broken bones work?

    I've fainted at 12K blood, luckily 4 guys, including the server admin, rolled up and fended off waves of zombies while saving me. I was thankful. I find leg breaking and being knocked out by a single punch a bit much. Based on RNG, my friend and my brother both had their legs broken by a single zombie, and i had to cross country to give medical support
  7. Graywolf4409

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    Yeah, huge adrenaline rushes when there are build ups before a kill i think. First kill we pincer attacked to avenge my brother, quietly walking in, lining up the sights, hoping to god he doesnt move. Massive adrenaline rush, hard to get rid of it. 2nd and 3rd, no build up at all. I saw the name of guy thanking me was same as bandit i just killed a minute ago *bang*, i needed food *bang* 4th, he literally shot me, and i probably would have shot anyway because he was blocking the only doorway not filled with zombies. There was one other, a friend of mine walked into the back room of the supermarket and was killed by someone waiting in there, could have been a scumbag bandit, could have been a frightened survivor who just wanted us to go away. I dunno. But predator mode activated. Me and my bro started the pincer attack, he approached the front, i sprinted to the back, there was no way he could escape. He disconnected. That was one of the worst moments for me, i was ready to kill, but i was not allowed the chance to even fight. You never forget your first
  8. Graywolf4409

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    Im friendly in almost all encounters, i've been playing this for i dunno, maybe 2 weeks now. Not been counting. But only 4 kills, 3 against those who either shot first, or was a bandit i killed who respawned to try and kill me with his Makarov. I've been in situations where im unconscious on the floor, bleeding out, and a team of 4 drive off the zombies, and defend me while one of them patched me up. I helped them out when i woke up, ammo for them as repayment for the shells they fired saving me. This team of four were complete strangers who risked their virtual lives, and sweet virtual loot, so save a complete stranger who was defenseless. Moments like that make it hard to kill any person you find on sight. I usually state that i am there, i am friendly, and that i am going to leave. Think i scared the crap out of some people who see me and flee for cover. And i hope that i let them sigh in relief when i give them space. I have had some bad bandit moments, usually snipers who kill me just before i save my team mates with broken legs and low blood. But i have made more friends then i have died, more friendly encounters then i have had days playing this game. Killing is usually wrong for me, would rather die sticking to my ways. Only kill out of necessity or defense. Every time you kill, you snuff out a possibly great video game experience in the interests of playing it safe. I think i would rather take the risk and lose my shit knowing i did it with good intentions.
  9. Graywolf4409

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    My first kill, i was devestated, even though i was avenging my brother. Was like i actually murdered someone in real life, my Fiancé asked if i was alright because i was so messed up. My second kill? I didnt even blink. My third kill? I was flashing red starving and thirsty. My first murder. My fourth? He shot me at point blank range with a mak, i returned fire with a revolver, i was more concerned about robbing his corpse of a bandage and outrunning the zombies.
  10. Graywolf4409

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only: Im following GW2 a lot, and if that can be pulled off with no monthly sub or P2W cash shop model, then i would fully expect this too also. Server hosts do not really bother me, as long as they function. Would be fine paying a kickstarter. I would prefer it a standalone game. Im not really in to Arma, im more of a RPG game player, though i love many games and almost always make contact with Zombie games weekly at the least. The idea of paying £15 to play DayZ alpha was a no brainer, but it was hard for me to decide when i was paying £15 to buy a game i had no previous or real current interest in, so that i could run a mod i wanted. Maybe now i am more experienced with the mechanics, i could go back and enjoy it, But that is simply feedback from how i felt as a customer wanting a realistic, open world true zombie survival experience, and how i was conflicted to buy a game solely for its mod. For new customers, i would say a stand alone game would be a lot more appealing then buying an unrelated game for a modification, despite the fact that the latter and more 'uncomfortable' option actually ends in the customer having 2 games for the price of one.
  11. Graywolf4409

    A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

    Best way to reduce incoming bandit fire, is to be unarmed i guess. Will look like you are fresh spawn with nothing on you, PvP for loot will be cut quite a bit
  12. Graywolf4409

    Staying infected after death?

    I've seen antibiotics once. I was like 'lolwut, dont need this crap' So far, i still dont =P So what happens when you are infected anyway?
  13. I have been following that since day 1 and got some decent equipment. However, after a bandit death a few days ago, with nothing to lose, i started sprinting. Outrun the zombies, grab gear in buildings as they walk (make sure they are two way buildings) loop through alleys or buildings, keep sprinting, hold alt to look behind you every now and then to see if they are still there/running. Got a remmington shotgun with flashlight attachment, a makarov with an overflowing abundance of clips, all survival utilities(hatchet, matches, compass, etc) spare winchester for a friend with ammo, hoards of food and water bottles, spare utilities for friends, all sat snuggly in an Alice pack, after a sprint through south west airfield and Cherno. I would suggest this is more of a 'few lives in' tactic, as you will need to know building layouts, but this is the absolute ideal way to deal with zombies and their presence around bountiful buildings, as long as you can recognize enter able buildings and their interior layout from external visuals. This is NOT a run and gun tactic, there is no gunning while running. This is running and scavenging like you are being chased by Nemesis in RE3, only turning to take a shot if you ran into a church hoping to find something useful, and the number of zombies behind you is TOO DAMN HIGH Bandits however, will not be repelled by this, so once you got some gear, something to actually be afraid of losing, then you should slow down. And my advice, as far as coastal towns go, stick to Cherno, not Elektro. Venturing into Elektro/Stary Sobor, someone always dies, in Cherno, i have met nothing but friendly faces. If Bandits are shooting at you(or you are very scared that they are) and you are in an open area, forget the zombies, you can deal with them later. Make sure you are safe from bullets. Final note, why the hell do Bandits not seem to attract zombies? So many times when a friend has been killed and the zombies don't care. Would be nicer for pulling the trigger to have wider spread effects, especially when the gun sounds like it is being fired right next to my ear.
  14. Graywolf4409

    Why are people calling zombies zeds?

    Zee is the lowercase pronunciation of the letter z, Zed is the upper case pronunciation. The mod is called DayZ, the Z is upper case, that could be a nice in house explanation.(I just call it Days)
  15. Graywolf4409

    @ Beginners..no gun start is not impossible

    Im having fun still, it is frustrating when killed but thats only because Bandits seem to hang around my friends whenever i am trying to help them. Though i am recently finding blocked off buildings, which is reducing my chances of finding anything which will pick up the game's pace. Due to barbed wire now being placed infront of churches and fire stations. Also have Churches been nerfed? Used to be my primary hunting ground for weapons, now its an empty tin can simulator in there.