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Everything posted by cortimonster@gmail.com

  1. cortimonster@gmail.com

    Flipping an ATV?

    Bump to get more ideas.
  2. cortimonster@gmail.com

    Flipping an ATV?

    Im thinking about putting a satchel about 20 FT away and hoping the boom will make it fall over. O.o
  3. cortimonster@gmail.com

    Could I play DayZ like this?

    Would it be possible for me to play Dayz if I have Arma II on one Steam account, and Arma II: OA on another? Or no? Because my steam account cannot accept gifts ( Arma II OA )and it is annoying
  4. cortimonster@gmail.com

    Could I play DayZ like this?

    Bump so I know if I can, I dont want to waste 20 on a game * already bought it, just have to redeem it *
  5. cortimonster@gmail.com

    Could I play DayZ like this?

    So thats a 100% you're sure of answer?