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About Treiskaideka

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    On the Coast
  1. Treiskaideka

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I didnt end up hearing a gun shot, but while the positioning of sounds seems very nice... am I the only one thinking that the mixing is way off? Breathing (also in 3rd person, no difference anymore) too loud, ambient noise (bird chirping) too quiet or just quieter than it was ( it's probably a preference thing) I could barely hear the Zombies at all though! Those were way too quiet. The couple of players I met apparently had shitty microphones, so I cannot say anything about that :/ , other that I needed to tune VOIP way down after almost getting a heart attack (and one asked me to kill him, I noticed about half a second delay between hitting and the hit/blood animation and sound. could be ping though) While I didn't test it in a building, the shadow flickering of running with a flare was a little bit too much? I don't know how that would react in reality in the same conditions, but this would have warranted an epilepsy warning xD My flare also fell through the map when I threw it :/ Infected barely reacted to me, but that might as well just be because of the stressed servers or something. (I had to punch one for it to notice me) So, I hope the dev team got enough usable data off this test. But I feel that the time I got to play between crashes (longest must have been 3 minutes?) is not enough to actually test anything to give proper feedback... Let's hope for the real experimental release, the crashes will be fixed. BTW, i LOVED the new server browser. way easier to search for specific things now, and it actually tells you which friend is playing on which server! Really nice detail there. And a much smoother experience than the old one.