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About Shortstack

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    On the Coast

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  1. Shortstack

    Pistol Holsters

    serveral diffrent kinds? Afaik there are only 2, the leather chest holster(which takes the slot of a whole vest and therefor being used rarely) and the plate carrier one Would be really cool to have some belt or legholsters, they would be far more common in this postapocalyptic world. or maybe even make an extra equipment slot for different kinds of belts. I know, the new character controller/animation system/etc is in the pipeline, but actually this is the reason I am asking about it. As far as I remember the Threads from 2 years ago told something along the lines like "not gonna happen because of clipping issues; with the current engine not possible". So I guess this will be possible now with the new System being implented?
  2. Shortstack

    Pistol Holsters

    Since I only found some Threads/Informations that are 2 years old, I thought I would come up with this topic again to see, if anything changed here regarding the future plans. Will there be any kind of waist/belt holsters or leg holsters or stuff like that in the future? I think it would make the Dayz experience way more immersive ... don't like to pull out my pistol out of the air like it is at the moment :<