1.) Make it so when I pull an item from a slot it automatically puts it back to the slot(s) that it came from. It is extra annoying to pull an item out and then have it go to a higher slot on the character. I am sure a ton of players dislike this because it makes inventory organization take more time and makes it more frustrating because of how inconvenient this is (especially if you don't notice).
2.) Grenades damage should not go through walls. So far, grenades are extra glitchy when thrown in a house and other places. One problem I have is that when I throw a grenade, it freezes mid air only a few feet away or gets stuck on a wall literally more than a foot away. Really ruins the point of holding G to throw if that is going to happen. The problem is when players go to take cover at the furthest point of a house it kills them, if they run they get shot or the grenade blows up behind them and kills them.
3.) The bipod should be able to stop most swaying if there is an object super close to it or at least there should be a bipod use position like in arma 3 where it kinda connects you to the object the bipod is on.
4.) Bullet delay is really slow. If you use guns and try to hit a moving target, you have to aim unrealistically far forward. This makes sniping tough. Even at medium range shooting with guns like an AKM clearly show a big problem with bullet delay. Bullet speed should be increased slightly so people don't have to aim multiple meters ahead of a short range target to hit them.
5.) Sticks need to be nerfed greatly. I have seen players instantly pull out sticks and then hit a target really quick in the head on the helmet. It usually instantly kills or makes them go unconscious. I am talking specifically about the ballistic helmets and gorka ones, the sticks do one hti knock outs for some reason on the helmets that are supposed to help in those situations.