Hey guys. Been a while. Last night a friend and I joined an EXP server. It was proving to be a bit more difficult lol the amount of water we had to drink and the frequency of it would fill a pool.. but regardless we got a small hang of things and enjoyed the nostalgia of Berezino where we roamed. I haven't had a chance yet to switch over to stable to try that, but currently what would you all say is the biggest differences? In the aspect of loot, survival, hunger/thirst, combat? My friend was also mentioning that the word on the street was that a lot of loot was removed from EXP so most of what we found was a mosin, IZwhatever, a TON of track suit pants (LOL) and riders jackets. Is the loot similar in stable currently?
Yeahyeah "look it up yourself" there's just an overwhelming amount of.. everything out there against dayz right now so it's difficult to find a real players perspective of what is in the game currently without the bs. To each his own on their feels about the current build of the game tho.