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About Kuranyll

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. This is such a shitty suggestion. I want to be able to take a dump on snipers camping the tents in Stary, see how long it takes them to notice.
  2. Kuranyll

    Draw Distance tanking frame rate?

    Draw distance is set client side if I'm correct. It's under your control in the settings. Also, I'm not sure if it applies to draw distance, but I know it applies to others. Depending on which setting you have it at, it changes whether its GPU or CPU based. For example, if you have shadows set to anything except normal (correct me if I'm wrong) then it it sets it to CPU based, but on normal its GPU. ArmA 2 is weird like that
  3. Kuranyll

    Barbwire Blocking Entry ways
