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About Waldemard

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    On the Coast

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  1. The problem isn't about the difficulty but the common sense, now zombies will hear you or see throught walls while you are crouching on the second floor at 1 bar noise, they also will usually hear you most of the time when you will try to get stealth kills, once one is alerted most of them will come and even more will aggro from the surrounding. Not that I don't like the feature but the real problem is about the zombies being as broken as they are, they glitch and can go throuht walls, doors, will stuck you inside the walls, will teleport on the rooftop, will hit you from behind, will run like headless chicken before comming back to hit you from their own back, they are also broken on the pathfinding side, going from one side of the door to the other one again and again, jumping the same fence many times in a row, will aggro you even if you are laying in the bushes or grass while they were originally aggroed by someone else, or some shots from far away. None of this makes sense and ruin as much the gameplay as the coherence and the immersion. What we need is a real organic increase in the difficulty because of their behavior, not something artificial to balance a bad behavior/coding. To be honest the ones we had before this patch were good enought and did not really needed any change waiting for a real rework, now most of the encounters feels weird and unnatural.
  2. I don't know exactly what you mean by stutters but if it is the way it gets choppy when you are looking anywhere else than the center, I agree with you. It is more noticeable when you are zooming in and looking on a far side. It is very uncomfortable and even gives me dizziness, It feels like resolutions are unmatched between the game and the TrackIR which makes it less accurate. In an other hand I really miss the ability to lean or look around while ads with the trackir, I can understand that it may be difficult to adapt it on the new engine but as it is now, I wonder if the devs have ever used the TrackIR before... To be honest the trackIR support is in a really bad state and never had similar problems in any other games. Its not even worth using it as it will gives you more headhache by messing at really crucial moments.
  3. Waldemard

    No Walk Toggle?

    Yeah come on, a toggle shouldn't be so hard to implement and its just necessary !
  4. Waldemard

    DayZ Stable Update 1.0

    Well finally but still got a question : Where is the TrackIR ?
  5. Yeah Mount and Blade is still the best for me or maybe Kingdom come but its but only for single targets...
  6. Waldemard

    0.63 Experimental Release

    So, still no trackir support ?
  7. Waldemard

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Hey there, is that only me or the trackIR is still sluggish ? Ok thanks for the tips, maybe I will try but I don't think so until its in Beta, you know, just waiting for the proper 3D positionnal environement sound...
  8. Waldemard

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Hey there, is that only me or the trackIR is still sluggish ?