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Everything posted by rjack85

  1. Will someone please help me to understand how to read these coordinates from a log entry? GrenadeHandTimedWest" 155:382 155:355 [6597,2610,26] [4,5,-3] thanks
  2. Doubtful, most of the issues with the mod cannot be fixed. I simply could not stand to play anymore. Too many cheaters and no way to fix it. Closed my server and am going to WarZ until DayZ is released as a standalone.
  3. Your chopper is crashing on load. There are other threads here about this. do a search.
  4. rjack85

    huey falling from the skies

    Others have had this same issue. I had it on my server. I was never able to get the chopper back. It crashes on restart every time. There is NO 7 day timer on this sort of bug. You will never be able to use it again without a database wipe of the hive files. Some people have been able to correct the issue by finding the crash site and parking a couple of buses under where it falls to the ground, thereby cushioning the drop and then saving the helicopter. Might work for you, it might not. You can find the location by looking at the UID in the armareport file. The UID is the coordinates of the incident as one long number. Search the topic and you will find information.
  5. You have to edit the BEC file called scheduler.xml. It's in your BEC directory If you want to disable all kicks this then just put a # in front of the line, or edit the line to reflect what you want kicked for.
  6. rjack85

    How many hackers nowadays

    Well, just today I Kicked/Banned 6 people for teleporting. Two of them did the magnet thing and pulled most of the vehicles to them way up north. One actually had to audacity to teleport ME and then run screaming like a little girl when he realized what he had done. I also banned several people for hacked weapons. No it hasn't gotten any better.
  7. rjack85

    Banned on US 2169

    LOL, you made me laugh...have some beans
  8. Contact your service provider for the server.
  9. Once those tent cities are planted and filled with crap they never go away. They will return with every restart.
  10. Is there a way to correct this issue? Anyone?
  11. rjack85

    Helicopter Spawn Bug

    Same issue here. I found the crash site finally using the UID # which seems to be the location without the commas separating the coordinates. At the site you can clearly see where the chopper has crashed. There are downed trees and a burn marks on the ground. I haven't been able to get into the game quick enough to actually view the crash but it happens every restart. It does NOT reset to it's spawn spot after 7 days. Is there a way to correct this issue?
  12. rjack85

    Log Cordinate De-Coder

    Thank you , thank you for that VB program! You made my day.
  13. rjack85

    Problems with dayz-community-banlist

    You also need to restart the server after updating the file.
  14. rjack85

    Autoban for Teleporting ???

    How the heck does setpos.txt work? It's just a one line txt file: 1 ""
  15. Thanks, but I think I misread a . for a ,
  16. rjack85

    No UH1H on my own Server?

    Someone probably teleported it into the ocean. You'll never see it again if they did. It spawns and is then destroyed over and over and over.....
  17. rjack85

    How to do a map reset?

    I don't think there is a way. I too have the same issue. Vehicles taking damage when server restarts because they are in the ocean or who knows where. There is no coordinates given for them. They have been effectively removed from the game by scripters. In order to "reset" the map you have to "reset" the saved files on the hive server. That means you need a new server ID. I suppose you could close down the server and sign up for a new one. Personally I think I will close mine down and wait for the standalone. The mod is just unplayable.
  18. rjack85

    Killed by guy walking in air

    The game has really become unplayable for non cheaters.
  19. rjack85

    Death Messages

    It would be a good tool. This and preventing teleporting.
  20. Some script users will just teleport it away from you. I no longer bother with them.
  21. I am beginning to understand how this works but I have a Y coordinate that is 6,5444. How do you interpert that? 152 minus 65? or 152 minus 654?
  22. Sometimes the teleporters put them in the ocean. You might never find it without a map tool, which of course isn't part of the server tools allowed for server admins. Fucking scripters. I have the same problem on our server. This happens to the chopper and some of the vehicles. I don't know where they are and have no way to find them to try to fix the issue. There grid coordinates are not even listed in the .rpt log, just the damage. I do know that if some help for server owners doesn't come soon I am shutting mine down. I see no good reason to provide free servers for script users, cheats and other assorted abusive players. It's dumb.
  23. Would someone tell me what this means in the publicvariable.log. Shouldn't this log be empty? The log is full of this. 12.09.2012 12:04:23: (edited out) - #0 "player26193542" = <NULL-object>
  24. errr. ok but how do you get 152 from 91.81? Oh...I see what you mean now. 152 minus the printed number of 91.81 equals 60.2 152 being the standard "start" number? Now it makes more sense.