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About UndeadZebra

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. UndeadZebra

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    General Information 1.What is your age? 16 Years of Age 2.What is your time zone (in GMT)? EST -5; UTC -4 3.What days will you be on the most? As many days as possible until school starts. 4.How long will you be on in a average week? 4 or 5 Hrs 5.Do you have a microphone? Yes 6.Have you been in any other clan? No Dayz Related What is your character name? UndeadZebra Which role would like in game (choose 2)? Sniper/Assault/Pilot/Driver/Scavenger/Strike team Assault/Scavenger Other... What other games do you play? RUST, Reign of Kings, and CSGO Motivation Why do you want to join the clan? I want to join because I am looking for a group of like-minded individuals who I can trust. What do you expect of us (the officers team)? I expect a group of loyal and like-minded people who I can trust in the apocalypse. Why should we let you join? in other words what can you offer us? I can't offer you an expert marksman, or an authoritative leader, I am more special than all the other recruits, one thing that sets me apart from the others is that I am willing to do anything for the conservation of the clan and willing to help any soul who has become unfortunate enough to be caught in the apocalypse. Is there something else you think will be important to add to your application? I'm in Army JROTC in my high school.