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About Keichi

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    On the Coast
  1. I have to agree on this Point... PET Bottles should be much more Common in the Game, because just look at how much of them we have in the Real Life, everyone of you have probably 2 or 3 at home or even more. So why are they so Rare in the Game? Same with Cooking Pots, Frying Pans and Kitchen Knives EVERY single Household in the World has them, but the People in Chernarus can't afford them? I mean even if it's a Story wise Decision where the Virus is Spreading for like 10 Years now, there should be more of them left. Make the Things that are Common to everyone and that we use every day more Common and the things that we rarely see Rare. Another aspect of the game i like is the abillity that you could made a Bow in the first 5 minutes of the game, IF the Animal Spawns would be working as they should. You should more Focus on the intellect of people and give them a few more Weapons to Craft instead of using the Real Firearms. I mean if i had a Y shaped Stick and a Rubber Band... It would be a really nice and easy made Fling Shot, just load it with a small stone and you have a weapon the can knock out a Guy so you just have to go to him and cut his throat with your knive. Same with a Spear, if i had one i would just sprint towards the Guy and pierce his Heart or Head. So what i'm saying is.. Focus more on how things would be in a Real World Szenario and stop letting us run for hours running through Chnerus just to find Ammunition for a Weapon and get killed 5 minutes later by a Bandit. P.S: Another thing that i never quite understood was why don't we turn into Zombies if we get bitten? Would be a cool Feature if there was a Geared Up Zombie running around like in ZombiU on the WiiU.