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About themoungatalia

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. themoungatalia

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Question for the devs. The imported engine from arma 3, is it going to actually work or is network sync and server performance going to have the possibility to effect it? Meaning if desync and server performance is bad enough will we still not be hearing gunshots? Or the possibility of hearing delayed shots catching up like how bad desync is currently in gun fights?? Also, what is the cle going to look like in .60 the current lotting is terrible. It forces anyone that wants to protect themselves or to hunt to run into military zones because nothing spawns that is worth looting in town currently. Thanks.
  2. First of I want to say congrats on .60 with the implementation of the new enfusion engine. Amazing frames and work done to that. On to the questions. With the implementation of the new audio engine being ported from arma 3 will we still have issues hearing gunshots?? Are these controlled by server performance or anything to do with player control etc. Or does the new engine mean all this is fixed and players will hear everything?? One of the most important things a player has is his senses for survival, well sight and sound anyway. So yea will I be able to actually hear someone shoot at me when this come to .61 Thanks