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Jish (DayZ)

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About Jish (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jish (DayZ)

    Change the Camo-Skin Model

    Arma2 Combined Operations comes with a "lite" version of BAF and PMC, so that everyone who has Combined Ops has low-poly, low-res versions of all the character models in the DLCs. If you want, well, pretty looking skins, you need to buy the DLC packs. I'm just pointing out that there are plenty of high-quality alternatives included in Arma2 and OA.
  2. Jish (DayZ)

    Change the Camo-Skin Model

    Right now, players need the BAF pack to get the high-quality ghillie and camo skins. While I don't see any good replacements for the ghillie suit, there looks to be some suitable camouflage models included with Operation Arrowhead; specifically some of the Takistani Military models. Example (taken from OA website): I'm not sure if these models would work as player skins, but if possible we could have one less DLC-dependent model in the game :)
  3. Submitted my survey. It was pretty comprehensive, should give good info!
  4. Jish (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thoughts on this? I can easily do this. HOWEVER. There may be a small performance impact from it. EDIT: Actually' date=' it would keep spamming your position. Would have a major performance impact. I could probably write something on this later. But for now, might not be possible. [/quote'] Rocket, what if you only had the zeds investigate the FIRST noise they hear, this way the player isn't constantly updating their investigation position. ie, After a sound puts a zed into investigation mode, they ignore all other sounds that the player makes, until they have finished investigating. This way they are investigating one position, instead of a stream of positions.
  5. Jish (DayZ)

    Headlamp or pistol/torch dual wield?

    I think the idea of a head lamp taking the slot of NVGs would be a great addition. It could work the same as the light in S.T.A.L.K.E.R., pointing where-ever the player looks. Maybe it takes a moment to turn on/off, about the same time as switching from a primary to secondary weapon.