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Everything posted by fr4x27

  1. Hello guys, I've just bought DayZ Standalone on Steam. When the downlad finished I tried to start Dayz. It asked me to install battleye. So I accepted but I got this error: Installing Battleye Service... Failed to install Battleye Service. And then dissapears. I tried this solutions: -Downloading BEClient.dll and BEService.exe from battleye's internet site and replacing them with in the Dayz folder. -typing "netsh winsock reset" on cmd -deleting BE files and verifying my game cache -giving permissions to Dayz from Windows Firewall But these didnt work I am still getting the same error. Can you help me please? :(
  2. fr4x27

    Can't install Battleye :(

    I already tried those :(. But thank you anyway