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Catman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Catman (DayZ)

  1. Catman (DayZ)


    Crossbow best worst weapon in the game. As soon as they introduce a quiver/magazine type thingy for it the better... as for the iron sights... *shudder*
  2. Catman (DayZ)

    Script Kiddie God Mode Hackers? No Problem.

    26 days?! You need to die more often ;)
  3. had this the other day, you were most likely in "iron sights" mode (tap right mouse).
  4. Catman (DayZ)

    Bear Traps

    They're bugged as f though. One of my buddies put one down in the entrance of a castle. The thing was floating in the air (mind you that happens when you make a fire in the castle too). He played with it a bit then picked it back up and stuffed it in his backpack. I walked out the castle, he said my character made "urgh" like noises when I went over the location it had been, I didn't hear anything. My buddy walked over, breaks his leg (even though it's in his backpack!). Luckily we had a good stack of morphine. We faffed about a while. I then disconnected for the day. Next day I logged back in, when I connect I find my leg is broken! lol true story
  5. Catman (DayZ)

    Is this a wrong thing to do?!

    How you get that much razor wire hmmmmmmmmm?
  6. Catman (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Please can someone fix the bug where my character (and just my character) is allergic to bullets?
  7. Catman (DayZ)

    So. Who wants this stash?

    OMG MY STOCKPILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Catman (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Frankly, and I know this has been covered a million times by everyone but I think that any form of punishment is a waste of time. Simply adding a 30 second despawn timer will sort out 99% of the problems people are encountering. You log out you get a 30 second countdown, if you move you break the countdown. If you Alt+F4 well you character is still sat there. Not a lot of people are going to do that when they could potentially catch a bullet. My concern is that some punishment system is going to backfire and punish people with bad connections or whatever. Yes it's f@#king annoying when someone alt-f4's on you but I don't see the need for a heavy-handed approach - if a 30sec timer doesn't cure it then sure start getting the whip out. On Saturday night I must have joined 20 servers in 30 minutes as half of them were stating they were GMT-n yet when I got in they were pitch black. Then some wouldn't connect... some were laggy as hell. When I finally got on a decent server I had to deal with my broken leg caused by a bear-trap that we'd been playing with (it had been removed and didn't break my leg at the time).
  9. Catman (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yeah it does at night and in the rain (especially at night and in the rain). But I seem to be nearly constantly running around at 42 degrees...which shouldn't I be dying of heatstroke at that point? I believe heatstroke starts at 40.6 degrees? But regardless; there's no ailments relating to temperature, lowest I've seen mine drop was to 34degrees.
  10. Catman (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Frankly, and I know this has been covered a million times by everyone but I think that any form of punishment is a waste of time. Simply adding a 30 second despawn timer will sort out 99% of the problems people are encountering. You log out you get a 30 second countdown, if you move you break the countdown. If you Alt+F4 well you character is still sat there. Not a lot of people are going to do that when they could potentially catch a bullet. My concern is that some punishment system is going to backfire and punish people with bad connections or whatever. Yes it's f@#king annoying when someone alt-f4's on you but I don't see the need for a heavy-handed approach - if a 30sec timer doesn't cure it then sure start getting the whip out. On Saturday night I must have joined 20 servers in 30 minutes as half of them were stating they were GMT-n yet when I got in they were pitch black. Then some wouldn't connect... some were laggy as hell. When I finally got on a decent server I had to deal with my broken leg caused by a bear-trap that we'd been playing with (it had been removed and didn't break my leg at the time).
  11. Catman (DayZ)


    AS50's & ghillie suits for everyone. It is christmas afterall
  12. Catman (DayZ)

    Just noticed a new building

    yeah the yellow building isn't used much, Shame really, there are far too many non-enterable buildings
  13. I guess you've never seen a 1st generation 1911? Awfully thin front post sight. However the sights in game are definitely wrong the front post is too low but there is something there. Mind you what's worse is the grip the player has on the pistols, you want to hold the gun as high up the grip as possible...ack there I go again
  14. sorry that was me, I can't shoot for shit. Zombies stole my spectacles. I went to specsavers but it was full of zombies, Well I think it was specsavers had to read the friking sign with no glasses
  15. Catman (DayZ)

    Some Civilian Weapons

    Hmmmm the saiga maybe. I'd say SKS and mosin nagant & tokarev tt-33 oh and maybe a civvy pump action shotty (5 rounds).
  16. Catman (DayZ)

    How many murders do you have?

    ok I photoshopped the number of murders :P
  17. Started off trying to play this realistically but now it's a game and I no longer have a problem with sending people to the coast (it's been done to me enough times) :P
  18. ok zombies are a bit stupid now. You can attract them far too easily when you shouldn't... It would appear zombies can see through walls. I've approached buildings/walls/etc (30-50m away) and a zombie will just run out from behind the building and straight (well I say straight) at me. I killed a zombie with a hatchet last night. I stopped looked around, no zombies in sight. Hit the corpse a few more times while making stupid comments on Teamspeak...zombies come running in. We tried this again later, swinging the axe in the air caused some zombies to aggro us - if you hit something like a building or whatever it seems to have a better aggro rate. Not sure if they're seeing us or reacting to the "shooting" of the hatchet. Bit annoying. Also not really noticed this bug before (I'm sure it's already been covered but I'll carry on anyway) but if you log out with a hatchet in the primary slot when you log back in it's unloaded with no 'ammo' to reload, in order to fix that you need to put it in your toolbelt and then back.
  19. Catman (DayZ)

    What the Duck noobs

    When are we gonna get to dual wield Glock 18s?
  20. Catman (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I'll talk to you but that's if we don't shoot each other first. Only seems to happen when I bump into people at the coast, much easier to trust someone when they don't have a gun :P
  21. Catman (DayZ)

    How many murders do you have?

    I'm currently at zero but my penis is bigger than yours
  22. Catman (DayZ)

    I just killed a man.

    and that was the last time I tried to communicate with semaphores while using an axe :(
  23. Catman (DayZ)

    Melee weapons - new weapon

    knives aren't pointless
  24. Catman (DayZ)

    To the bandit who tried to rape our camp..

    Sorry for trying to 'rape' your tents. I have a thing for big (tent) flaps
  25. Catman (DayZ)

    I just killed a man.

    Trying to crawl away, it doesn't count :P