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Everything posted by Snakesnead

  1. Snakesnead

    The Best Bases

    Okay, so I have what I think is the perfect solution to "bases" in DayZ. The Premise What kind of basw building do most if not ALL survival games have? You chop trees, mines rocks, etc. You gather raw resources and somehow make perfeft boards and walls and windows with very little tools. DayZ is a realistic apocalyptic survival game. I can promise you if you were in apocalyptic Russia with Zed grandmas chasing you, and the only people with pulses might be looking to shoot you and drink your pipsi. Instead, you would looking for the nicest little town house, and board that fucker up. Barbed wire on the outside walls, pointy sticks, skulls maybe? My point is if there are hundreds if not thousands of houses in the area, why would you waste precious energy building a house out of scratch? Let me break this next part down into pros and cons... and on the cons ill address how that could be fixed. PROS - more realistic / immersive (top priority i would assume) - potential for RP and small towns to be revived - prevents huge teams from building huge bases on airfields and bottle necking the higher tier loot. - Will make DayZ stand out in a sea of survival games. No one has this yet. - probably easier for servers to render small items in bases vs huge sprawlling set pieces (i would assume) - an easy concept to grasp. "Oh i need to board up these windows" gets 2x4s + nails + hammer = bingo CONS - None this idea is perfect - However... I have seen comments about how to stop people from "hive hopping" and getting into your base. (Hive hopping being going into a building in server A, logging out and into server B, and getting inside a base that way) Easy (i think) fix. Either Disable logging out in buildings, OR force players logging back in to appear on the outside of said building. Please tell me what you like and dont like. Also i know the houses are one piece, but i also had the idea that maybe you could clean a house up a bit, i.e. use rags to clean blood, pick up fallen chairs. This would require a lot more work I know, but something else to chew on.
  2. Snakesnead

    The Best Bases

    Well I they would still have tents and what not, but idk if theres a good fix to someone hive hopping into your base if youre not in a building that is the same across all servers