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About nufc1985

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  1. Is it worth buying a new processor for my rig (if it works with my motherboard) then I'd be all set? Since I don't care about hard drive space, I never really exceed 200GB out of around 600. Or get a new rig and use my gtx980 in that?
  2. Still kind of laggy in built up towns on low settings :\
  3. Bought the GTX 980. Dayz runs now :-) I can go back to being a noob
  4. Which GTX 970...there are so many variations. I want to spend £220 tops. Would GTX be better than a Radeon?
  5. Do you think it's just the graphics card that is the issue in not being able to play Dayz? Would the GTX 970 be a good upgrade?
  6. Considering my rig, do you think that the MSI GeForce GTX 960 would enable me to play Dayz?
  7. I guess it doesn't have to be a gaming PC in order to play Dayz again. A new £400- 500 desktop could probably run it, on low settings.
  8. Error creating enfusion engine, possible errors: *GPU not supported *GPU drivers not actualized *DirectX broken *other kind of error -------------------------------------------------------- When I could play it was laggy in built up towns but generally playable. My PC specs are: Acer Predator Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP2 AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core Processor, 6GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series. It was a high spec gaming PC but its like 5 years old now. To buy a good gaming PC these days you are looking at £600+ and I just cant afford that. So my question is, could I just upgrage the processor and the graphics card in order to play Dayz again? Or could I get away with just a new processor or just a new graphics card.
  9. nufc1985

    Dayz Won't start after latest update

    Unless its coming out on PS4 then I'll buy a PS4 :|
  10. I am guessing because my PC is crap. -------------------------------------------------------- Error creating enfusion engine, possible errors: *GPU not supported *GPU drivers not actualized *DirectX broken *other kind of error -------------------------------------------------------- When I could play it was laggy in built up towns but generally playable. My PC specs are: Acer Predator Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP2 AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core Processor, 6GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series. It was a high spec gaming PC but its like 5 years old now. To buy a good gaming PC these days you are looking at £600+ and I just cant afford that. So my question is, could I just upgrage the processor and the graphics card in order to play Dayz again?