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About shadow71

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. shadow71

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Shotgun definitely needs tweaking. It's too weak.
  2. shadow71

    Shotgun changes.

    With .61 the shotguns sound amazing, and I agree with the fixing of %'s. I don't like the mp133 as it is ugly compared to the Remington lol. I'd just like for them to add it to the game.
  3. shadow71

    Shotgun changes.

    Agreed, in the mod the 870 was all i used when clearing military areas. Currently the shotguns are better but not as good as they should be. I shot a guy about 5 times earlier today and blood came from his chest every time i shot, about 3 pellets hit him each time. he was about 14m away and it seemed as if he didn't get any damage at all. He then then turned around and killed me and that influenced me to write this post.
  4. shadow71

    Shotgun changes.

    Hi guys, I am heavy shotgun user in all games , and Dayz is no exception but there are some issues. My suggestion is to make shotguns stronger at ranges, not like 200m ranges but stronger in general. A nice addition would be a deeper sound when fired. Right now the Shotgun sounds are really lacking depth and sense of power. Also, a really nice addition could be the ALL black remington model 870 shotgun, maybe found at police stations only or crash sites? Remember it is just a suggestion, but please take it into consideration. Thanks for your time.