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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    New player - Server issues

    You broke your legs and need morphine to make you ignore the pain and be able to walk again. How you fell off the balcony, probably a bug. Going up ladders or stairs is not beneficial to your health.
  2. ChiefMasterKush

    Tips for finding can opener?

    Looking VERY FUCKING CAREFULLY. It's the first item you want other than maybe a fire ax and its the smallest piece of shit so good fucking luck
  3. ChiefMasterKush

    Looking for a good server name

    Spring Break Balota Beach 2014!! B)
  4. ChiefMasterKush

    Teaming up with a psycho

    Ahh the good old days when combat logging was cool. :thumbsup: B) Thanks for sharing.
  5. ChiefMasterKush

    Best Character Contest.

    I like the nakedness of that first one Irish.
  6. ChiefMasterKush

    Best Character Contest.

  7. ChiefMasterKush

    Berezino Squad v Squad

    You know it went well when the server admin bans you cause he's so mad.
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

  9. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    Don't say I didn't warn you.
  10. ChiefMasterKush

    3pp Exploit

    Everytime I hear someone say that 3pp is exploit, I wonder... Why not play on Hardcore servers?
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    Do not try to understand.
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    unless you spawned with jeans, shirt and a flashlight. edit: They need to add stuff to make people want to stay alive (but that wouldn't help spawning and wanting to box with someone).
  13. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    My last life I had a fresh spawn boxing match. I was an Asian lady and yelled at the guy in front of me to run the other way. He told me that an Asian lady couldn't tell him what to do. Well he didn't make it ^_^
  14. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    Hang out more, it just keeps coming. Yeah, I know, that's why I want to make sure I don't join it because I don't wanna get kicked and have my shit bug out.
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    Full weetod fresh spawns

    BTW there is a 30second spawn timer already. Not sure why you think someone who spawns with their hands attached should have to wait so long just to spawn with nothing again. Be sure to let me know what the server is when you do, so I know which server NOT to join. I'm sure your rules will change as fast as your purposely aggressive posts are made.
  16. To the dude I burlap sack'd and had run out into a field only so one of my friends could shoot you in the back. Answering your question, yes we are going to execute you.
  17. ChiefMasterKush

    Trade for black shirt

    I actually have an extra black tactical shirt (worn), as I found a pristine one B) I kind of want to keep it in case my first one gets filled with holes. Also, the thought of a sniper keeping their gun on me doesn't encourage me to make this sort of trade.
  18. You need to be bright green on both (not dark green). Also, you can hold WAY more energy than bright green or healthy.
  19. ChiefMasterKush

    Getting Pantsed

    To start pantsing someone in-game is one of the most fun things to do. Having said that one of the least fun things is to get pantsed. By that I mean the bug that takes your: Pants, Shoes, Backpack, Vest, Gloves. You only keep the stuff on your back. Weapons, Ax, Hat, Glasses, Shirt (plus loot, although it usually takes 1-3 items in here). I have had this happen to me at least about 5 times and my friends have had it happen to them plenty of times as well. I have not been able to see any pattern in these occurrences. I found one bug that describes a very similar experience and a comment describing the same. I think this may just be one instance of this bug. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=3693&nbn=1#bugnotes Has anyone one else experienced this bug and have any insight we may be able to add to this bug to help get it fixed?
  20. ChiefMasterKush

    Getting Pantsed

    Do you remember any of the details? edit: Yes it is a very unsettling feeling logging in naked below the waist.
  21. ChiefMasterKush

    Getting Pantsed

    Yup that looks like some of the pants and backpacks ive lost.
  22. ChiefMasterKush

    Getting Pantsed

    Hmmmmm. I just got kicked from restart. I'm not going to join again for a bit for fear of losing my pants. We'll see.
  23. ChiefMasterKush

    Getting Pantsed

    LIES! Really though? It has happen to me and at least 2 of my other friends multiple times. Same items were taken. This has to have happened to more than just us and the two guys in the bug report.
  24. Why don't they add back the "Days Alive: ###" statement when you log on. It could be based on in game hours alive or real time (as it was in mod). I think that would go a long way for making people want to survive. That would be the only stat that is recorded about your character and hence the only stat to buff allowing people to want to stay alive. :thumbsup:
  25. ChiefMasterKush

    Bandits being hunted and killed for you fresh spawns

    Dat misspelling. B) Shooting Banditos. Mmmmm..