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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    Please Help Me Stuck In Electro Schoolhouse (Resolved)

    inb4 - "It's a trap" PNG
  2. ChiefMasterKush

    Player Fatigue

  3. ChiefMasterKush


    Leave the shore. /thread
  4. ChiefMasterKush

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    77% of statistics are made up. Also, I should post the video of my friend (with a super shitty laptop and wireless internet) who goes completely invisible quite frequently, I managed to get a few minute clip of him fucking shit up inside a house while completely invisible.
  5. ChiefMasterKush

    Is it just me?

    Don't have weapon "up", aka space bar active, when you are using melee weapon. I found that it's much harder to hit things that way.
  6. ChiefMasterKush

    How do you deal with zombies?

    I was unaware you had to deal with zombies.
  7. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    Wow this guy just gave me an urge to go out and KoS. I'm sure I don't want to communicate with someone who wraps everyone he hates into one category. Hate on my friend.
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    Who needs a cramped middle "w" finger?

    Why didn't I think of this... Thanks.
  9. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    Seems more like a point about why KoS in this game is not as realistic as the real world.
  10. In fact there are rules for renting a server. Which you seem to have ignored when plenty of other people here have stated the same thing. You think these people don't loot up go to their favorite server hopping location, hop and kos? I'd bet the majority of these people spend the majority of their time doing this. If they don't want to play the game or are too afraid to play the game they should go elsewhere. IMO
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    umad, bro?
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    Who needs a cramped middle "w" finger?

    I don't know about you but I would love to see those posts. I don't think the moderators here would mind either. I know that if I go to take a piss in a bush and come back dead for an unknown reason I have nothing to complain about. Has not happened yet in the SA but I'm sure it will one day. Gotta be immersive ya'know. edit: I'm not against waiting to fix some of the other major issues before adding a simple feature like this so that people can't go afk as easily and therefore miss what may have been a bug to report.
  13. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    Ofc it is, and it sounds like that person did the killing in that situation not you guys. Also, I'm glad that a group of four (4) people decided to play on a 1/30(40) server only to get murdered by sloppy movement (presumption) because you thought the server was "empty" or "safe". I bet that guy just saw your group moving through an open field and waited. BTW, I'm not saying you can't kill freshies or whoever you want for whatever reasons you want. What I was saying don't give BS reasons for it.
  14. Gentleman argument?
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    That's BS and you know it. What kind of people are stumbling upon your group I wonder? Fully Geared Military Special Forces, I think not. People go to the coast to kill/rob people... because.. that's where the people are. There is an entire 80% more map people could loot with little to no chance of human encounter.
  16. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    I figured you'd already know about the land beyond the coastline as was mentioned above since you've been here for a while. You might also practice stealth.
  17. ChiefMasterKush

    Who needs a cramped middle "w" finger?

    Yeah, auto run is the type of feature that does not create an imbalance in the force if not everyone uses it. Not really sure why people would have a problem with it whether it allows people to reach their Or take a piss or whatever. No one would force you to use it, or is that what people are afraid of, that they would be forced to auto run? I mean ofc the amount of broken legs would go up but other than that I don't see any problems with adding a key-bind for that.
  18. ChiefMasterKush

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    umad, bro?
  19. Did not read wall. Did read comments. What I gather is that someone wandered into the ghost ship, got lost (not surprising it's not a good place to be) and we have another ghost wandering the ship. This is why I avoid this ship. Except to record the happenings of when my friends decide to check things out.. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178242-the-titanic-jump/
  20. ChiefMasterKush

    Building a gaming pc for Dayz

    www.TomsHardware.com Read reviews. The more money you spend the better computer you get (for the most part). This isn't something someone can explain to you in a post here. It's best you do your own research. Looks like you may have already. I will say don't cheap out on the motherboard. Everything else can be upgraded/replaced later provided it's compatible with the mother board.
  21. ChiefMasterKush

    How to record high quality videos

    Wow thanks everyone for all the replies, looks like I have my reading material for today.
  22. ChiefMasterKush

    How to record high quality videos

    I have the same framerate on fraps as well, someone also told me to do that. I will check out this program when I get home. I use Pinnacle Studio (15 I believe).
  23. ChiefMasterKush

    While I Was Bored I Took A Stroll Through The Map In An Ariel View

    HACKER! B)
  24. ChiefMasterKush

    Best battle in History of battles

    Ty for sharing. I enjoyed it.
  25. ChiefMasterKush

    I killed Tom Hanks

    Yeah what he said... I don't normally feel like I wasted my time watching dayZ videos but for some reason after this one I do..