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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    Compilation: Community Ideas reg. DC / Ghosting

    So putting 50 threads into one thread will get him to read it? I am confused here. He knows the issue has since day one and probably before.
  2. ChiefMasterKush

    Watching other people QQ

    You should' date=' since you dont do anything around here as it is. [/quote'] lol so you're the kid commenting on my videos and disliking them? grow up. You guys should add another 'tag' or w/e you call the things that say "Survivor", "Banned" and what not. Add one for QQer or something.
  3. ChiefMasterKush

    Watching other people QQ

    Well played sir, well played..
  4. ChiefMasterKush

    My friend runs slower than me?

    WHOA that slow as shit. Why doesnt he just crouch run everywhere then since he full sprints at the same speed or is his crouch run the same speed as a slow crawl? I don't know how you could play with 50% MS reduc I have heard that your ping/fps plays a big part in move speed. Which makes complete since. is your friend on 3rd world internet?
  5. Go to the middle of Cherno or Electra get a flare ready and log out. Then log in and spam the fire button so u throw flares when u log in, that way everyone knows your logging in and not to shoot you. also.. why did you edit your OP to say u want to edit title? Why not just edit the title?
  6. ChiefMasterKush

    Suggestion: Multiple Maps/*Lives*

    I know plenty of people have suggested having a bigger map. This is fine by me and I will not get in the way of its inception. When I first started playing DayZ I thought that Chernarus was a big enough map. Small enough to travel across the map but big enough to make that task a daunting one. Now I know that you can actually travel across map in about an hour, if you never stop to loot. But still have plenty of areas to explore. This may make the map seem a small to a lot of people but I think it is a good size. You still want to have a chance to run into someone with only 50 - 100 people in a server. My idea is for the possibility of multiple Maps/Worlds(lives). They would be entirely separate worlds(lives) with separate characters. This will open up more areas to explore while keeping the maps a size that is manageable for both the servers and end users. People will say this will break immersion, but I don't think it will. You will just have 3 different characters for 3 different worlds (or however many maps/worlds(lives) there are). Servers could either be dedicated to one world(life)/map or rotate between them (as they need to restart at some point right?) I thought of the idea because I play a mod of a mod of GTA: San Andreas, Crazybobs: Cops and Robbers (CnR). If anyone else has played this mod of a mod ( yes its double mod deep ), then you know how awesome this world is and I think DayZ is very similar to the CnR world. In CnR, People kill each other (bandits), people rob stores/house/banks (kos survivors/bandits, robbing banks is dirty work), people fish/do missions/scavenge outside of town (survivors), people sell weapons/food/medical supplies (Medic/Traders that are trying to get established), and there are Cops to arrest/ticket criminals for their crimes (Some sort of law and order system yet to be thought of/put into practice). CnR as you might have guessed have a lot of the same problems DayZ has, mainly quitting to avoid death/rob. The main way they deal with this in CnR is to have admins on the servers as often as possible. I know this is much more difficult task with the amount of players now on DayZ but with the ability to log server information, it seems like you don't have to have dedicated server admins. Anyways thats my blurb about CnR the best/only way to play GTA. Please let me know what you guys think about this idea. Anyone that has played CnR feel free to discuss similarities/differences between these two mods, I think they are not so distant cousins just one is a bit older than the other. TL;DR - My idea is for the possibility of multiple Maps/Worlds(lives). They would be entirely separate Lives.
  7. ChiefMasterKush

    Suggestion: Multiple Maps/*Lives*

    I know things are still being ironed out and they will be for a time to come. This is not something I would except to see any time soon, as much as I would like to. I think the map it self is fine and most of the bugs are not related to the map itself. I am also fine with using the same map but having an 'A' life and a 'B' life. I like to play with my friends but we are not always on at the same time. I would like to go roaming around the map alone on a separate 'life'. As I am typing this I just realized a possible flaw, that actually should be easy to handle. If you have a camp with loot you could get your 'B' life to that camp and get lots of good stuff. This should be easy to handle if you treat servers on 'B' like a completely separate server, which they would be already. If it were a different map entirely then the problem is already solved.
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    Suggestion: Multiple Maps/*Lives*

    I guess there could be a smaller map but i don't think it should be much smaller, if anything it should be a bigger map :D. Now that I think more about it I actually like the idea of having a separate life. One I can play with my friends and one I can play solo. Just two different "lives" A life and B life. :)
  9. ChiefMasterKush

    Suggestion: Multiple Maps/*Lives*

    I like the idea of multiple 'lives' more.
  10. ChiefMasterKush

    Starry Sober.....

    maybe he does now? I'd hope so.
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    DCing from snipers, snipers complaining.

    Ya how about not running on the NW Airfield then complaining that you got sniped at and DC'ing? Ever thought of that as a solution? Don't run across big open fields..
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    Thank you Rocket!

    Going back to Cali? No that doesn't make u old. I hope not anyways.
  13. ChiefMasterKush

    Thank you Rocket!

    I' date=' for one, want this clown to stop spamming this around the site. On topic though, rocket's a fuckin' genius, but why isn't anyone thanking the other staff members? [/quote'] I think he only posted it once and everyone keeps quoting it.. Thanks Rocket + others that I don't know the names of.
  14. ChiefMasterKush


    CnR has a /fart command that has a chance of blowing yourself up as well as any vehicle that you may be in or near. CnR - Mod of a mod of GTA: San Andreas, Crazybobs: Cops and Robbers. Really though, I think bodily functions are fine to not be in the game. Imagine every bodily function you want to have, happens when you are out of game.
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    Anti Server Hopping Suggestions

    I think there should be a logout timer. As it is if you are unconscious you can not log out at all. This does not stop people form shutting down their computers though. So if you leave/quit before the logout timer finishes your body stays in the server until the timer finishes. As far as trying to join your friends server that is full, I think that is something you will have to deal with it will not be full forever, just keep trying and a slot will free up. And as we can have more people in servers (and bigger maps :) ) this will be less of a problem.
  16. Something to do with luck and something to do with knowing where to look. Also, to everyone complaining that people are hording/hiding the vehicles, I have a few questions for you guys. If you found a vehicle, would you leave it in the middle of Stary Sobor when you logged off? If you found a second vehicle, would you just leave it for the next person who comes along? Ya, I thought so..
  17. ChiefMasterKush


  18. ChiefMasterKush

    Well, I used a grenade for the first time...

    nerdrage mmmm... I did read.. the animation is ridiculously long. You said when you stood up your hand came forward and nade at your feet.. sounds to me like you didn't wait for the animation to finish. umad?
  19. ChiefMasterKush

    I killed a friend..

    backstabbery? cool story bro friendly firery? cool story bro No, I didn't read your story.. Had more fun reading the kiddies arguing.
  20. ChiefMasterKush

    Well, I used a grenade for the first time...

    Maybe u should have waited until the animation finished..
  21. ChiefMasterKush

    Freeside trading co.

    but we don't not spawn without not having no gun.
  22. Yes, I like it. It is very easy to lose zombies. If you do aggro zombies because you don't like crawling then you can dodge them in the forests or run into a town and find a building to run into, which coincidentally will have loot in it also. Running in one door and out the other is a really good way to lose zombies.
  23. ChiefMasterKush

    How awesome is dayz?

    Diablo 3? whats that? I hear theres zombies in said game. So glad this game came out as Diablo 3 has been a bust so far. From talking to my friend about the patches sounds like its only getting worse.
  24. ChiefMasterKush

    Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

    I think it is okay as it is right now. In any kind of town, when you shot a zombie a horde should spawn (come out of their hiding spots/come into town from the outskirts) and come after you. Does not mean you have to try to kill this horde. You should not be able to 'see' every single zombie IMHO, you should feel like you are getting swarmed in a town. It is fairly easy to lose zombies now so having them spawn when your in a town makes sense to me. Run and hide in a building or fight off the horde as you see fit, always remembering to leave a back way out. When you are done fighting zombies in the middle of a town run into the woods where the zombies are not flocking too. Once in the woods any zombies you have not lost can be shot without fear of aggro-ing another horde as you are no longer in the area where zombies are swarming to in large numbers.