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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    Giving yourself beans...

    I got a notification that someone has given me beans in this thread... WTF i don't have any beans :( I'm going to bean myself to boost my self-esteem.
  2. ChiefMasterKush

    beans hack ?

    Wasting time reading posts... I think you should not be able to give yourself beans.. It must be a hack..
  3. ChiefMasterKush

    Giving yourself beans...

    Seems normal..
  4. ChiefMasterKush

    Cars showing up on the map

    Whats a regular server? I thought everyone played on Veteran servers
  5. I'm fairly sure that clicking the respawn button does not affect the average life expectancy.
  6. Applied. Even the application was fun to fill out.
  7. ChiefMasterKush

    Whats your favorite weapon?

    This is in off topic right? My favorite has been the M1 Garand for a long time ever since I shot one as a kid. Love it
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    Stoner Squad

    Whats up EndoT0ker. I'd be down to roll I even have some extra morphine just in case we run across any deer stands. B)
  9. ChiefMasterKush

    Empty whiskey bottle

    Primaries take up 10 slots.
  10. ChiefMasterKush

    36 murders....and counting....

    Moved to bandit forum?
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well I can't speak for all medics as I am a noob medic, but when I went for my first (only so far) patient I had a partner give me over watch. Also, I think they try to avoid the major hotzones when possible. edit: taking only the supplies you need for the patient, so they are less like to kill you for your stuff as you dont have any.
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    Bizarre Ambush at Elektro

    So as to attract the horde. Maybe you could have shot her legs, bandaged her and taken her weapons. Then throw her in chains and make her your new wench. She was clearly a wildling in need of some sophistication.
  13. ChiefMasterKush

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry to hear this, it is a sad day when someone guns down a medic. Keep up the good work guys, I know how nerve racking it can be find and meet a patient as I helped my first patient a few days ago. It sure was exhilarating and heart pounding though (especially when I hear a sniper round go off and my patient has declared having a sniper rifle)
  14. This sounds like something I can get behind. Some of these suggestions I'm sure Rocket would like to and will implement, some of which I am sure he can not due to limitations. I would love to crawl up to a town and find a hopper munching on a corpse.
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    Ways to improve Infected

    First, I will say that the Arma 2 engine is limiting what Rocket can and would like to be able to do. That being said you have listed some good ideas. 1) Above 2) How would noobs kill said police officers without first searching out a weapon? 3) I like this idea a lot. I would change it a bit though. I don't think it would make sense for an infected to 'go unconscious' but having a knockback or delay in their forward progress seems to make a lot of sense (they do not feel pain therefore would not pass out from any kind of pain). Depending on the weapon used the time delayed/knockback would vary. I like the idea that only a headshot can kill a infected but I think I would implement it such that there are huge damage reductions when hitting an infected in a limb vs center mass/head. So you would still be able to kill an infected by shooting it in the foot it would just take 10x more damage to do so. 4) Eh. Infected don't have mating calls. I have thought I would like to see different noises for walkers/hoppers/crawlers, though not a big deal. Infected is infected is infected, I don't want them to touch me and I would kill them all if I could. 5) I believe Rocket has stated that the infected behave like this due to the fact that he can only use limited number in an area without causing serious framerate issues. 6) I disagree for a couple reasons. First, I believe that Zeds/Infected will hang out by a town because: the noise/light/buildings plus that is where they may have died. I also like the idea to freely run through the wilderness. Even so I do like the idea of having the chance to run across an infected or two when charging through the wilderness. I would be comfortable with this to keep the edge and tension, just not a 'swarm'. 7) I don't think anyone likes that the infected catch you so quick. I have not come across any 1.7.2 Infected but I don't think they changed their speed in this patch. I think they are pretty good on the speed except for maybe the uphill stuff. They should be gold medalist marathoners/sprinters. No pain no getting tired. 8) Again I believe this is a limitation with the engine. I don't think zed should knock down the player, maybe slow them down for a second. 9) I'm sure Rocket has his own ideas on where he wants to take this.
  16. ChiefMasterKush

    Do we have any advantage over the infected?

    Yes we are not infected. That is good enough for me.
  17. ChiefMasterKush

    I Spawned In Novy Sobor (normal or glitch?)

    I've heard the same thing.. I don't know about spawning inside a building though
  18. ChiefMasterKush

    Mountain Dew???

    No. Maybe. There are groups of people that are trying to bring some type of civilization back to the world of Chernarus. Medic and Trading posts and the likes.
  19. ChiefMasterKush

    Me Vs. Bandit Squad of 3

    Nice. Sounds like these three were clueless. Probably noobies that heard you can sit on a rooftop and its like shooting fish in a barrel. Im glad you showed them the error in their ways.
  20. ChiefMasterKush

    Pinkys Adult Playground - ugN Gaming

    You need to go here --> http://www.ugn-gaming.com/dayz To sign up. We have people all over the globe in all sorts of different time zones.
  21. ChiefMasterKush

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I believe it does help though. If you have a 60 log out timer, the ghoster would have to log out twice and load up twice. That gives the other person at least 2 minutes to get out/reposition and probably closer to 5mins with the load times these days. I agree though it is more for the alt-f4'ers, but those are the only people I seem to run into. Then again I don't like to stay in the same area for long so maybe I just miss the ghosters, I imagine it takes at least a few minutes right now to switch servers twice, I know it takes me at least a minute to load up on the best of servers.
  22. ChiefMasterKush

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I some how don't think changing someones spawn in point is a good idea. You log out under a pine tree and log in, in the middle of the road or by zombies. I would much rather just have a log out timer. This seems like the easiest most effective way to handle all the problems in one. (30 or 60 second timer should be sufficient)
  23. ChiefMasterKush


    Ps. This guy will not kill you on sight.
  24. ChiefMasterKush

    Downgrade from 1.7.5?

    1.7.5 > 1.7.2 counting..