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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    "New players" reaction to this patch is just like..

    The majority of people get turned into KoS because of getting KoS'd. Also, people do band together and I always want to see more of it. Civilization ftw.
  2. ChiefMasterKush


    You were teh first.
  3. ChiefMasterKush

    Out of the loop, would love to be caught up.

    Bullets to the head don't work out too well. I've enjoy the patch as well, but there is a bad issue people are very upset about but hopefully it gets worked out soon. I also enjoy the zombie difficulty increase. I don't why they took away zombies abilities to make you bleed when regenerating blood was so easy anyways. So I'm glad that's back in force.
  4. ChiefMasterKush


    I've noticed a similar trend.
  5. ChiefMasterKush

    Best Character Contest.

    You clearly didn't look at them all <_<
  6. ChiefMasterKush

    How to record high quality videos

    I was wondering how to get a high quality video on youTube. I seem to have done it in the past but now with my dayZ videos they aren't as high quality as some of my videos used to be. I believe it is in the creation process of Pinnacle studio or something with youtube. I have tried exporting in many different formats but they always end up the same in youtube. I was wondering what settings you guys use for Fraps (mainly framerate). And what format do you export in. Also, is there anything special I need to do for youtube, because it seems to downgrade the quality when it gets to youtube. Thanks. exhibit A: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178242-the-titanic-jump/
  7. ChiefMasterKush

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Yup sarcasm is hard to tell in text, which is why I made the next post. It is fun to be relieved of your gear and start as a freshie again.
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    I was killed by zombies

    Huh? Again, I think you are misreading/misunderstanding my comments. I just said I know there are bugs for the same reasons you just listed. My opinion of the patch is that it is forward progress for the alpha. That is all. Never said you had to agree with me.
  9. ChiefMasterKush

    Post Your Gear So Far

    /sarcasm off
  10. ChiefMasterKush

    I was killed by zombies

    I think you misread/misunderstood my comment. I do know there are bugs. The amount of people failing the loading simulator seems to attest to that. But everyone saying this patch is laggy as hell and unplayable.. Well I played it so that is clearly false.
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Gear is for noobs.
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    I was killed by zombies

    OMG I'm bleeding how will I ever stop it and regain my blood.. Or you could just not get hit by zombies either by killing the first or by not aggro'ing them. Agreed, only played for a few minutes but it seems like an improvement to me contradictory to what a lot of people seem to think.
  13. There are beasts in the water that eat gear.. At least there were in the mod.
  14. ChiefMasterKush

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Yeah, not really sure why this thread doesn't show up in search but w/e I'm pretty sure there's a gallery one too but I'm too lazy to keep searching for more than a minute. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163193-best-character-contest/
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    Post Your Gear So Far

    All that camo ruined by one item :( Mountain "Beacon" Backpack
  16. ChiefMasterKush

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Also, there are already threads for this.
  17. ChiefMasterKush

    game unplayable

  18. Oh, I like this idea. A corpse getting swarmed by zed, so if you want to protect the loot you better keep up the suppressing fire B)
  19. I was just trying to point him in the right direction so he could learn about the alpha issue he was having. IIRC, The zed LOS is based on their head, NOT body. So pay close attn to that.
  20. Not really sure what you are getting at. Are you unsure of your schooling? Are we not both posting on the same forums? Doesn't matter enjoy your stay here.
  21. Can not help the unteachable.. I am sorry my friend. Almost forgot.. :beans: Welcome to DayZ :beans:
  22. ChiefMasterKush

    What happened to the Melee?

    Who reads patch notes in alpha anyways? It's not like they are dramatically changing lots of stuff..
  23. I'm trying to help you .... there is a search function. Use it. Or just look there are 5 other thread on page one with ur complaints.. turns out the mod's are posting the link to the situation and what is being done about it. Also, Alpha son. Sounds like you are not cut out to play yet. Try and get a refund from Steam and come back when it is at least beta. Shit goes down get used to it or get over yourself. ...I have a perfect GIF for this but I've been told to hold off using it, so with some major self control I will not post it. This guy playing like a survivor... who does this.
  24. Umadbrah? Search/Read/Learn..