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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    Killed By An Invisible Player, AGAIN

    Well that's not what you said so yeah. Invisible ppl should not be invisible how 'bout that?
  2. ChiefMasterKush

    The Cult (Role Play)

    Sounds fun. GL :thumbsup: Spell Ax without the 'e' chumpo... >:(
  3. ChiefMasterKush

    Stuck in a rock!

    Better learn how to beat the rock climbing simulator soon
  4. ChiefMasterKush

    My new play style and rules of engagement

    I would say Welcome to DayZ but you clearly know that is a likely outcome when you let a guy with an M4 walk up to you. Why not jump back around the corner and run a building or something?
  5. ChiefMasterKush

    The Cult (Role Play)

    What if the noob you found can't wield an ax or even spell ax? And the person he is supposed to kill gets away?
  6. ChiefMasterKush

    Adjust your head for a better experience.

    I gave you beans because of your TL;DR I love DayZ for many of the same reasons you do, but also because it attracts people like you to the game.
  7. ChiefMasterKush

    Chain link sound

    Sounds creepy, you should report this to CCSD (Charnarian Creepy Stuff Department)
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    DayZ is peaceful

    ChiefMasterKush reporting in. I enjoy real women with real tits. edit: oh and I enjoy DayZ.
  9. Ahh thank you. I'm pretty sure vomiting was always bad :) I can't wait to find people who can't stop vomiting.
  10. ChiefMasterKush

    Killed By An Invisible Player, AGAIN

    I just read this part and lol'd. They make a reload noise when logging in until the next patch. So you think you should be able to kill them and they shouldn't be able to kill you? I like where you're going with this.. :facepalm:
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    Killed By An Invisible Player, AGAIN

    I was playing with my buddy the other day and he could not see me or my other friend even though we were standing right next to him. Maybe you have a shitty computer like him? He is playing on a laptop.
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    No zombies, no loot

    About the fisheye, maybe this has to do with your field of view setting? It's in the settings menu
  13. Should I not ever eat/drink until stuffed in the new patch? I have to guesstimate where I am in my stomach capacity?
  14. You've been told about the server time thing (Something I didn't know either). But If you join a server with more than 0-10 people in it you're likely to be playing in daytime. Also, you have no idea how viral combat logging is/was.
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    Why do we KoS?

    Which is what makes this a Zombie Survival Game
  16. ChiefMasterKush

    I love killing people who deserve it.

    But you do know you probably just killed some guy that re-logged because he was lagging or something.
  17. ChiefMasterKush

    Why do we KoS?

    Of course, and I totally understand that. You are certainly not the only one, I'm sure we all have KOS'd someone I know I have. My point was that you don't have to follow what everyone else does in this game. It is a sandbox type game that allows you to make your own rules as to how you want to play. edit: exhibit one: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170113-my-new-play-style-and-rules-of-engagement/
  18. ChiefMasterKush

    I love killing people who deserve it.

    Haha, I don't hate you. I think you're funny. And don't worry about my safety I'll be okay. FYI DayZ is a Zombie survival simulator
  19. ChiefMasterKush

    Why do we KoS?

    I missed an 's' on 'other'. Yes, my point was that this game is about making your own choices and decisions about play-style. You chose to imitate other peoples play style and fine but I just think you missed the point of this sandbox. (Yes, I know most people KOS for many different reasons)
  20. ChiefMasterKush

    I love killing people who deserve it.

    One KOS'er talking shit to another KOS'er I love it
  21. ChiefMasterKush

    I love killing people who deserve it.

    So you realize the point of server hopping is for loot. Hopping into the same server is pointless because... you already looted it.
  22. ChiefMasterKush

    Why do we KoS?

    Too late.
  23. ChiefMasterKush

    Why do we KoS?

    I'm sure you don't understand this if you're trying to imitate the way other try to interact with people
  24. ChiefMasterKush

    I love killing people who deserve it.

    And you know he was a hopper because you saw him log in a bunch of servers?
  25. ChiefMasterKush

    I'm not KOS (I swear)

    This happens to the best of us. As you learned from your encounter you need to practice to get good at what you want to do. Not KOS'ing is very hard but with practice you can get good at being safe while initiating open comms. This is why we all play DayZ for those long periods of boredom followed by a few seconds of extreme excitement. It's good that you took the time to think about the situation afterwords and learned what you could from it.