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Everything posted by ChiefMasterKush

  1. ChiefMasterKush

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Yeah, that probably turns ppl off from HC, it will make some people sick and I know I have that at the lowest setting. There should be more explanation about that setting to people so they may be more willing to play HC. I personally love HC and have found HC to be a bit more friendly on occasion (It is DayZ after all so who can you really trust). Also, I know some people (one of my friends) love to use any exploit/bug/feature they can to transform the game into the way they believe it should be played. I personally started playing DayZ because of the realism. Combo that with zombies and I was hooked before I could find the download link. That is why I love to play HC.
  2. ChiefMasterKush


    Then don't run it all into the woods.
  3. ChiefMasterKush

    will byonets ever come to use?

  4. ChiefMasterKush

    Is carrying 2 two-handed weapons considered ok?

    No you're fine as far as I know. If you do ANYTHING with your hands you drop the gun in your hands. Now that I'm thinking about it.. what weapon is not two-handed? And yes when you log out now you drop the gun because you do stuff with your hands during the logout-tango.
  5. ChiefMasterKush

    Post your clever joke names for DayZ!

    I saw a documentary type video posted in gallery and he states that he is not very good at naming stuff.. he made a submarine mod, you'll never guess what he named it.. Submarine. DayZed i believe is how Dean pronounces it? I could be wrong. I need to think of my own right now..
  6. ChiefMasterKush

    The most insane gunbattle

    Size matters B)
  7. I'm down for hc, I see no reason to remove it from 3pp. Server side options are also fine.
  8. ChiefMasterKush

    admin abuse or hack

    Seems likely B)
  9. ChiefMasterKush

    New Documentary On DayZ And Dean Hall

    I hate that you cant x out the damn subscribe button. Great video though, really great. I had no idea I was there right near the beginning.
  10. ChiefMasterKush

    the dayz experience in one picture

    as well good pic.
  11. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    He never said you haven't played the game for a long time like a lot of us here on the forums. He simply said: We have all been warned. Thank you, Sir.
  12. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    I'm sorry you have to resort to insulting people. It says a lot of about your character. Since you are clearly very interested in my life. I will tell you that I am actually in a very good place right now having just finished purchasing my first property. Sorry to disappoint :P
  13. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    check my post where i talk about that... I made a post in that thread right before it got merged. I LOL'd
  14. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Clearly you didn't read my posts. I have not once defended the M4 as you say, also I clearly stated I prefer the Mosin as well. Also, since you clearly think I play CoD (which i fully support as I own stock in activision), I have not played a CoD since the 3rd or 4th one. I did find it funny hilarious you tried to avoid all these flames by making a new thread with the same story (slightly edited) while your first thread was still continuously being bumped. Anyways thank you so much for making the end of my week at work that much more enjoyable. And thank you again for sharing your tears.
  15. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    edit: LOLZ!! You made another thread???? BUT WHYYY.. your first one was so hilarious and still is. For everyone not in the know let me fill you in.. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176029-these-m4-kids-need-to-be-dealt-with/
  16. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    If you put the gun at them it kills them. At least it does for me. That being said I to get my shotgun I took it from a guy who killed my friend at the top of the 5 story stair case in a medical building. As I am slow walking up the stairs he unloads one round.. then another.. I took no damage then had him say hello to my fire ax. Saw'd off the end and threw it in my back pack. So I guess if you can't point it at your target you will have a hard time, otherwise *BAM*BAM* and target should be dead.
  17. ChiefMasterKush

    Is DayZ TOO Easy?

    You could always do unique stuff that no one else has thought of. For example try surviving a boxing match on top of a silo and do it with a burlap sack on ur head. I saw a video of that in the gallery section and it was hilarious. It seems like I'm in the minority when it comes to being able to find Guns/Ammo. Well I always find ammo for guns I don't have.
  18. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    I'm not the one that said I would shoot you through the window :) but odds are I wouldn't engage in conversation at airfields. Also, how the heck do you trade with someone who has nothing? He gave the off topic pic more of a warning for a reason :)
  19. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Well that sucks you were forced to log, but if someone spent the time to camp the NWAF and I saw you log in. At that point they probably wouldn't really care how or why you got there. I think most ppl KoS at airfields due to the nature of the loot that spawns there and distance from the shoreline.
  20. Who put the damn guns in the game. :ph34r:
  21. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    I'm sure it will only get better. I will do the same when I get home. Maybe I should go the NWAF (I haven't been in SA but once to perform a medical operation) so I can get some server hoppers. I can't believe I've never thought of trying to camp server hopping locations. Well server hopper down +1 in my book. Thank you for sharing your tears with us all.
  22. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Great review. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  23. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Yes, that's exactly what he's saying.
  24. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    LOLZ ur funny guy. I prefer the Mosin if you must know. I also some how find that gun a lot more often but then again I don't server hop airfields so...
  25. ChiefMasterKush

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Starts off by admitting to server hopping then complains when someone with no skill who can't him with an automatic gun believes the gun should be nerf'd. I am totally confused here. If a no skill player couldn't get you with a gun you think is over powered what are you asking for? Sounds like you wish your server hopping would result in more M4s for yourself. It's too bad you didn't get shot up more.