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Posts posted by Finalrequiem

  1. Hi all, i want to come out with an idea i had. and that is making a large tent you can live in. instead of standing outside in the rain and wait for your temp to lower, and eventually die :/. me and my friend thinked about it and we thought it would be a great idea ;), also it will make players live out in the forest more to :). i want to hear others opinions of this. if it's another thread of this just slap me and set the link here ^^.

  2. I allready have a group of 5 ;), the best tips i can give. is that to go around and try to use your mic to talk to people, and yell FRIENDLY? that's how i did it. ;) 2 people even helped me when i was laying on the ground with 4k blood/broken leg. :3. not everyone here is trustable remember that xD.

  3. I was running around, until i heard some footsteps in a barn, and it was a guy with a windchester. hes name was ctezh or somthing with a beard xD, and another guy. after that we found more people (friendly) and after that we got to a place with a ladder ( big building ). and i ended up falling down and break my leg. so the beard guy watched me, and the other searched for morphine. but someone sniped us :(. cod players ;_;

  4. Well the first time i played on dayz, i found a ak with 3 mags. and knife, and lots of other usefull things. then i came across someone running from a horde and i helped him, but he fell down so i started to help him. and right after he shot me in the leg. and i had no choice just to shot back. after that my trust to other players has been lowered. Kill on sight :(.

  5. As far as I know' date=' you can only chose gender when a) starting the game for the first time and b) getting reset by one of the day z devs (happened to me, thanks to the melee weapon bug).

    I'd recommend you to contact one of those guys directly via email or PM.


    oh ok :), i thinked i were screwed. but i shall try! ^^ thx for helping.

  6. Hi there, i just joined a server for the first time, and it buged and then i spawned wihout the male or female option you can pick! and i got killed like 10 times in the same place. can somone help me. because now i'm a male and i want to be a female :(

  7. With "no gear" do you mean completely nothing? Not even a bandage or pain killer?

    Because after last patch you don't spawn with a gun anymore' date=' and getting spawned in the wilderness could just be bad luck.


    you answered the question :D, ( i think )
