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About Ransurias

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    On the Coast
  1. Out of the blue, and on a chilly day (I can see my character's breath), I became hyperthermic. No "hot" status -- I went straight to hyperthermic. My chat box is being spammed every ~3 - 4 seconds by the following red text: "I am hyperthermic" I've tried taking all my clothes off and staying in water to keep myself drenched, but nothing is working. I've noticed that several other people are having the issue on the feedback tracker, where some players are instantly becoming hypothermic and others are becoming hyperthermic.
  2. UK assault vests are essentially raining from the sky on 0.60 Stable, but nary a single high capacity vest has spawned thus far for me. Has anyone managed to find one?
  3. Ransurias

    Fragnet NOT .60 YET?

    It isn't just Fragnet. In any event, the fact that all servers are currently password-protected leads me to believe that if Fragnet's servers were updated and technically available, they'd also be password-protected, meaning virtually nobody can currently play on Stable.
  4. Ransurias

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    That's... sort of a useless comment, since it still stands that public branch servers are currently password-protected.
  5. Ransurias

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Frustratingly, it would seem as though the small handful of currently-available servers are password-protected. Yeouch! Hope that gets sorted out soon.
  6. Ransurias


    To keep tools like you and the masses from being able to play while the privileged few, thankfully including myself, gear up before anyone else. ...Actually, I have no idea why the handful of servers that have updated to 0.60 are password-protected.