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Murphy (DayZ)

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About Murphy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Murphy (DayZ)

    Winchester rifle is wrong!

    How can you claim the weapon to be OP if it is so readily available? The Winchester is often the first primary weapon looted and gives every noob a fighting chance in PvP. I'm not against any of the suggested changes really, I just think people should not label it as "OP" simply because it is better then some of the more rare weapons. For example the m1014 has a flash light, which makes it loads more valuable then the Winchester. The damage of a slug means newer players who have little to no chance of getting loot from the military drop tables can still stay competitive against other players while being able to cut through the zombie hordes. The model inaccuracies aside I believe it is quite a useful tool for new comers and veteran survivors alike and as such it fills its intended role perfectly.
  2. Anyone who can't see how this would be considered an exploit needs to open their eyes. If the server is locked nothing should be saved, simple as that. If they wanted the entire server to themselves to loot they could easily site "server issues" as a cause for locking and then ransack all of the prime spots for whatever goodies spawned in.
  3. Murphy (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    There are ways of making trades without having to risk being shot, use your heads for something besides target practice.
  4. Murphy (DayZ)

    And now Im dead.

    Would Alt-F4ing not be considered an exploit, especially in the situation described by the OP? You got screwed by a bug but encouraging people to play like cowards and log out is against the spirit of the game. Everyone gets killed and has to start over at some point, most don't have the stomach to push on but a lot of us have the testicular fortitude to accept our demise, regroup in hell and seek revenge.
  5. True or not this isn't the first case I've heard/seen admins getting upset and kicking because of being killed. If it bothers you that much there are plenty of other servers to enjoy the game on.
  6. While I may not prefer to play on servers without the "veteran" settings because of the immersion and perceived "fairness" in PvP I do agree with those posters who suggest leaving it up to the individual server admins. This way everyone can enjoy the game in the manner that suits them best. Forcing everyone to conform to a standardized setting will even the playing field but could quite possibly alienate players.
  7. Murphy (DayZ)

    Zombie Crowd

    I just question the strain this could put on a server, and with the stability issues a lot of servers are experiencing is it worth the time to throw it in only to realize it doesn't work as intended (bandit skin is another concept along the same lines).
  8. Murphy (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    The system is obviously still buggy and should remain out of game until it works as intended.
  9. Murphy (DayZ)

    Food vs Health and Damage

    Blood regen in large quantities is a bad thing. I wouldn't mind if it was like 10 or so even 5-10 minutes. This way you can't get into a fight and just shrug it off saying "in a few mins I'll be full bloood anyways". That is against the whole "survival" thing, don't you think? Zombies unable to rip flesh from bone? I don't know what some peoples concept of a zombie is but just think back to how many zombie bites to the neck/face/head area you've seen in the movies. Let's assume they aren't simply flailing their hands but that animation represents a wide range of actions that cannot be translated in-game without loads of effort for a minor aesthetic change.
  10. Murphy (DayZ)

    Multiple characters

    This system would be so easily exploited I hope it doesn't become part of the mod. I could list the reasons but I'm sure we can all figure them out rather easily.
  11. Murphy (DayZ)

    Food and water being used offline

    One of the guys we played with was instantly turned off by the fact that he feels "forced to login daily" just so his character doesn't die of malnutrition. The speed it drops while in game is fine but when offline your character should stay as you left him.
  12. Murphy (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor model swap issues

    It seems that when you change between bandit and survivor you lose the contents of your backpack, this coupled with being forced to abort/reload makes for some really frustrating moments.
  13. Murphy (DayZ)

    Why did you nerfed the loot percentage ?

    By your logic seeing as how this game is insanely populated "getting there first" happened almost a month ago and all the servers would logically be picked clean. Loot needs to respawn in a way that encourages people to explore more of the island.
  14. Someone needs to learn manners. You frustrated that people aren't following your ill written posts learn to express yourself better without resorting to childish name calling. I hope you catch a few warnings for your attitude. @OP: Frankly speaking sounds like you have your fair share of frustrations and might find more enjoyment in single player games such as the L4D series or Dead Island. Don't take your anger out on the forums it makes your lack of reasoning too apparent.
  15. Murphy (DayZ)

    Made a new bandit skin for you guys

    What exactly do you mean by "High Sec"? This isn't EVE and there is no safety net to prevent those not wanting to PvP from getting involved in it. With the bandit skin being slightly more visible it works much like defensive markings in nature (brightly colored frogs that are highly poisonous is a prime example), and it warns other players to be careful. You consider me to be against PvP? Come find me and my group ingame and then tell me I'm against PvP (we have one of the top PvPers).