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About ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

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  1. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    FYI, it is spelled "retarded."
  2. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    I've read all I can from Rocket's posts and can't find where he says "You cannot ban hackers." I think you are too much reading into the rules: The context of that quote is about admins kicking people to make room for clan members, and how kicking for clan members is abused to hide that admins were kicking for spying, stealing, etc. Rocket does however state: The OP and hacker clearly violated that rule and the ban should stand based on the server admins logs. Hell, like Neo said above, based on that rule from Rocket, the whole group should be banned. However if you can find me where Rocket explicitly states "You can't ban people for hacking" then please enlighten me, because I can't find it. Further more, this isn't an instance of banning without proof. Not only is their proof, you have two of the group outright admitting they were being helped by the hacker. Had their been no evidence, fine. Even with evidence it is still one sided as you say, the logs could be edited. However when two of the people involved in the incident admit they were getting items and teleports from the hacker, I really don't see the issue.
  3. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    Are you really so daft, you can't see how idiotic your argument is? You really don't see anything wrong with having a hacker spawn you items and teleport you somewhere because it isn't you running the hack? Serious question...are you seven years old? If you are that would explain a lot of things as I expect a seven year old to not have a sense of right and wrong yet. While I can say I would like to think I have some integrity and wouldn't have associated with a hacker for my own benefit, the point is moot. The point however, is that Ayser did associate with the hacker. Ayser did knowingly benefit from the hacker. Ayser did get caught red handed and got banned for it. It appears also that after he got caught, he had everyone not banned destroy the stuff so he could claim the equivalent of "Hey FBI, we robbed this bank to get ahead in the world, but we decided to burn the money afterwards. We're sorry so we're cool right?" The fact that Ayser says he was on TS with all his buddies and he was having the hacker teleport players suggests that your whole group is culpable. Edit: You can't be serious. Server admin posts logs with evidence of the hacker and people directly benefiting from the hack and you think the ban should be lifted? It isn't a global ban, he can go play elsewhere, hopefully he will learn from this and be more careful.
  4. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    I play on that server, hence my interest in this topic. This is my fight. This is every legit player's fight. Why, because despite your claims of disliking hacking and avoiding it, you and people like you are even worse than the hackers. You hide behind your self-righteous attitude about hacking all the while directly benefiting from ill gotten gains. What's even more funny, now that the admin has posted evidence that completely outs you as a liar, you admitting to asking for hacking benefits, and try to justify it by saying they were just small things and that you are sorry. Had you truly had integrity, you would have not even associated with the hacker in the first place. Good riddance. Caught red-handed you are. /yoda
  5. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    Didn't benefit my ass. Logs show you directly asking for benefits. Stay banned, I hope you get a global.
  6. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    Dunno how you are not seeing my argument. I really can't make it any clearer which is why I am just replying to your post using your quotes.
  7. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    So to recap, you say hacking hurts the game and you don't agree with hacking. However you admit you knew this EG.iNcontroL was hacking. Furthermore, you and your group directly benefited from the hacker knowingly by having him spawn you engine parts. But most damning of all, you openly admit you asked the hacker to teleport your dead teammate directly to you to save some time. You may not have been running the hacks yourself, but you were a knowing and willing accomplice to the hacks. Righteous ban in my opinion.
  8. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Banned from US1222

    Three questions, 1) The server does not have player names turned on. How did you see his name? 2) You said you suspected he was hacking. Why did you spend what seems to be a very long time with him? 3) Who and where exactly are you requesting to be spawned in this thread? http://dayzmod.com/f...ing-to-hacking/
  9. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Best DayZ Related Song?

  10. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    To the server hoppers on Seattle 47

    I don't find it's pompous (well maybe a little). I just found it fun to beat the exploiters at their own game. And no, I ain't mad. We actually made out better than we started. All they made off with was a cargo truck, that we weren't really using and some weapons.
  11. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    To the server hoppers on Seattle 47

    Dear Frauce & friends, Good job locating our campsite in the valley NW of the dam. Good job stealing our truck and gear. Good job attempting to steal our bus. Too bad we came back to our camp and ruined your fun. Our sniper was on point, shooting your face out of the bus. For shame though when your friends engaged us from behind. They are pretty horrible shots and couldn't kill any of us. For shame that you guys had to resort to server hoping to to try to kill us, disconnecting, then reconnecting behind us, only to log off when they were about to die. Thanks for the GPS and NVGs we took from your cold, cold exploiting body.
  12. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Server Hosting

    The dev team currently has more applications than needed so they are picky and slow about responding as they can pick and choose the best of the best offers. Have patience and read the forums. I strongly suggest you start with the stickies (they are were useful info like what I just said is posted).
  13. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    US 1 US 2 TAW_Tonic Need Beta Patch

    You clearly did not read my post. I have 2 cars that are at my current character location' date=' and I don't want to wander off on a different server and have to find them again. Perhaps you have never had a car in DayZ, but once you do it is VERY hard to go back to walking everywhere instead of driving to anywhere on the map in 10 minutes. Additionally cars apparently not start falling apart if you don't use them for a number of days, and I would hate to have that happen to me. I also have a ton of supplies in these cars that I would appreciate having access to. [/quote'] "If you get attached to your gear....you're gonna have a bad time." /Ski instructor. Seriously, play on a different server for a bit, go outside, read a book, make sweet love to someone (or thing I don't discriminate) just do something other than complain out something out of your control.
  14. ian.m.seiler@gmail.com

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    <3 You rock rocket! Keep up the good work!