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Everything posted by lunaraitic

  1. lunaraitic

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    They just need to have a message instead of Blank was killed It should say Blanks was murdered by blank That way you can judge who are the murderers.
  2. lunaraitic

    Show who killed you

    As a bandit myself I think it would be fine if players know i shoot them. Hell why not let them know the name of their killer this is a game and it's more fun to know who attacked and killed you thank to assume most of the time you were killed by a game flaw/bug. In other words when i murder someone in cold blood near cherno i want to see "(players name) was killed by (players name)" Realism only matters when it's fun and it is not fun being murdered by game bugs and wondering if it was a person or not even knowing who killed you If you want to be a bandit don't be ashamed and try to hide it like a puss.
  3. lunaraitic

    Banned for Intimidation.

    Your Cobain and his mates i assume the only ones who were banned and you were banned for the tent hacks Theres alot of us who play on LA 1 and when Cobain leaves the server to reconnect and mark the map with every tent and every vehicle. Everytime your group relogged ( which was constant and full disconnects not just partial) You owuld mark the map with anythign new that has happened...Tents Vehicles moved...ect As a player on the server myself i brought it to the attention of VAL You don't even have the appropriate story. Oh and hey after thoes 4 from your group were banned and you threatened to Nuke the server Well directly after that all of the non sense crashing and marking was stopped. ( Cobain and his group should be monitored if you see them in your server they dis connect and reconnect constantly with ping that go anywhere from 30ms -3000ms Cobain's theory is If you cant play with the big boys cheat.)
  4. lunaraitic

    UK5 - Butthurt Admins?

    Only thing that can be rolled back is vehicle locations on the server (not an actual roll back just what happens if you crash the server before the vehicle spots are saved), Say you raid their camp they can roll back to avoid the loss of vehicles and smashed tents.
  5. lunaraitic

    Atlanta 24 Admin abuse

    I still do not see anywhere in the post from the mayor of cherno where he denies anything about the server resets for gear and thoes other cheats he was accused from he is only trying to defend banning players who trashed his camp.
  6. LA 7 limited their server today to 2 players Kinda cheating restarting the server to limit it to 2 players to fill your gun supplies http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx185/lunaraitic/arma2oa2012-06-2219-42-45-496.jpg
  7. lunaraitic

    Way to punish bandits.

    Really im curious why everyone wants to punish bandits. Quit playing a zombie mod on a fps game if you don't want to be killed by other players. Better yet keep playing the game and just stop complaining and trying to Kill play styles that don't conform with what you think should be the play style for Dayz.
  8. lunaraitic

    Dallas 41 - Admin Abuse

    BUMP* some of the shit people do for pixels I hope Dallas 41 is taken care of.
  9. lunaraitic

    New Starting Equipment

    Not having a pistol or a gun is a great thing, But i propose we change the starting gear to something a little more appropriate for what we are trying to accomplish. ( also i think hunting knives should be melee like the axes where they can be toggled from tool belt to hand position maybe taking 3 hits like a markov to kill a zed) 1. 2x Bandage 2. 1x empty water bottle 3. 1x hunting knife 4. Flashlight That is all i think we should start with a knife so were not completly defensless, Couple bandages because It is way to easy to start bleeding and a flash night because it is useless anytime after you have a weapon. :D
  10. I was talking about this to thebaneofkane last night in irc. He wanted to add more rediculous limitations on bandits... I think your completly correct bandits do not need to be announced by a skin change or a heart beat thump or an angry face.... Thats unrealistic and labels people. I play mostly as a bandit But once in a while i will 100% genuinely help someone in game leave them a weapon or food or something just because Now should i be penalized for being too nice to newbies now since i would be penalized for being too mean and shooting them I dont think so, We all should be allowed to do what we want in game weather its shoot a person or a zed your choice no skin change do to it. If i get a skin change i want it to be from me Earning something Such as finding a guilli suit Or a cool western hat or something.
  11. lunaraitic

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    This issue was happening to me. I found that what i had to do was install the 1.7.5 patch, The beta patch ( http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ) And them make 100% sure the server i was joining was 1.7.5 not one labled 1.7.5 and actually runing 1.7.4 or something. (colorado 3 i am 100% sure its 1.7.5 atm )
  12. Having no weapons to start is complete crap really. Even a 2x4 could be scavenged off a delapitated building and used to defend yourself. (what i want to know is why the hell they would make the zombies much harder at the exact same time as making starting harder Thats just fail in itself let us get used to one at a time so they can be adjusted accordingly.
  13. lunaraitic

    Ammo and Magazines

    Have you ever been in game and lets say you have a revolver it takes .45 ammo And hey look you found some .45 ammo but wait.....This ammo is in a magazine for a m1911. My suggestion is to make Ammo and clips seperate. In order to let people choose to keep a certain weapon they like EX the m1911 and fill it with a guns ammo that is the same but from a weapon you do not like EX Revolver. Adds a little realism since you will find many more ammo boxes than clips. (takes out the unrealistic every bullet is in a magazine look adds a lot more realism reloading in fights.) Ammo Very abundant Clips/zip clips Not so abundant actually only found in the pile with the weapon. (every weapon has a defualt magazine it can never lose) And maybe find a spare magazine or 2 with the gun. (loaded or unloaded) Post comments thoughts troll me whatever, ^_^ enjoy
  14. lunaraitic

    Ammo and Magazines

    From what i was reading if the weapon is made specifically for sd rounds it uses a diffrent back pressure for the bolt the ammo provides the pressure a larger round in a sub sonic weapon would not cycle correctly but i could be wrong
  15. lunaraitic

    Ammo and Magazines

    Riis show me some fact about this since a silencer is not a barrel its a bunch of rings to create grooves to stop the gas from leaving the barrel and supersonic ammunition also has a heavier projectile to have the mass to go the sub sonic speeds and is only quieter than normal amunition That by no means makes it more accurate ( Al tho on some guns it reduces the backpressure and does make certain weapons more accurate ) Nor does that limit you to using subsonic ammo. With a silencer you still get no muzzle flash using regular ammo so finding the shooter would be much more difficult and would be quieter but not absolutly silent like sub sonic ammo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressor (Back to my original post Riis why don't you comment on that or are you just trying to troll?)
  16. lunaraitic

    Ammo and Magazines

    @ Klaangen i just was looking that up to make sure my stuff was correct and found that sub sonic ammo and it works exactly how you explained it.
  17. lunaraitic

    Ammo and Magazines

  18. lunaraitic

    Bandits get red eyes!

    So if i am a bandit im automatically red eyes why do bandits need to be distinguished from non bandits anyways. If your not a bandit now it does not mean your not going to double tap the person who you just showed your normal eyes to after they put their guard down. (when i read this my first thoughts were stoned bandits LOL)
  19. Thats some fresh off the beach newb gear if i ever seen it. Just take the suicide
  20. lunaraitic


    Same issue and fire twisters that did not help but thanks for the suggestion. I am missing the file with the new axe well it says item.hatchet at the end maybe a bad file we got with six updater? (im going to manually install it and will edit my post if it works)
  21. lunaraitic

    bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons ERROR

    Lol okano sounds like you have no idea anything about this issue some of us are not even allowed in the game clicking ok and continue were booted back to finding servers.
  22. lunaraitic


    I LOL'ed pretty good
  23. Hmm since the update im getting this message every time ( No Entry 'Bin\config.bin/cfgweapons.itemHatchet) And i logg in debug forest or an open sandy area not able to move or anything.
  24. No, I would still shoot the player form afar, Wait for the zeds to start consuming him as they do in the animation, Then once they de-spawn I would loot the body.