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Everything posted by Widrea

  1. had a group of 3 players with the same clan tag join my server last night, 30 seconds after they joined one of them was banned for hacking by BE 2 min later he is back in my server and strange shit starts happening... such as im finding ammo crates with satchel charges in them lying around/ had a couple hordes of zeds spawn on me in the outskirts or stary nory and mogilievka all zeds were aggroed and these things only occure when these 3 players are all on. im not going to be frapsing this crap since it wont help my case im thinking i will just kick them when they join. considering one was BE banned and then magically unbanned after only 2 min, dont know how to fuck with the logs much and from what i can tell i could just type this crap out in notepad........ if any dayz staff have an objection to this let me know... since im sorta at a loss as to what to do with this bullshit.
  2. Widrea

    Got hacker? probs..

    well this is satisfying lol... one of them joined my server last night and got a global ban :)
  3. Widrea

    Seattle 98 / Offender: Pit : Time: 5:30 EST

    You need to provide evidence such as video of this happening for any action to be taken by server admins or Dayz staff along with the players gui because names can be changed easily
  4. While this may not be helpful at all a friend of mine started a server the other day and we caught a 3 man clan just driving every vehicle in the map out into the desert and then killing themselves or something similar just to deny everyone else the chance of finding one would sure love to reset the server and add them to our banlist for just being stupidly dickish but also dont want the server to be shut down by rocket for removing dickish players.. what a catch 22... i smell daily server resets from now on. at least then other players can get the opportunity to spend 5 hours trying to fix a car too instead of noone ever having a car anymore on the server
  5. Widrea

    Six launcher....

    :@ Ok its nice and all that this launcher lets me manage my Arma2 stuff really easily but when i get on and its decided to update me without my consent and then i have to wait through the only part of the day i can play because i wont have a server to play on today im the second it comes out.... no one else is. I have 4 Russian servers my American ass cant connect to due to lag and by the time i find one i CAN connect to i dont have the time to enjoy myself anymore can i be you know asked before something starts fucking with my PC? just a thought? :idea: You could get around that by making some official dayz servers that are always up to date but somehow i dont see that.. Either that or updates could be not forced on us when we arnt in a position to make use of them.
  6. Widrea

    Six launcher....

    you have any reading impairments? my WHOLE post was about forced updates dumbshit all i want is to be ASKED before and update is forced on my computer
  7. Widrea

    Six launcher....

    its not based on the rate of patch... its based on me not wanting to spend a couple hours waiting for a good server to update then 2 more hours waiting for a new one that me and my buddies can play on you should try reading once in awhile instead of looking at key words and misinterpreting...