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About LoKey

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    On the Coast

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  1. LoKey

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Yea that sounds about right. My friends and I got 1 part away from fixing a truck and the server reset and *poof* there went our truck. It had survived about 1-2 resets before that. On a side note after several more hours on .60 I noticed: - If you have a military tent on your back and you try to drag it into another military tent you have placed or even if you try to drop it inside another military tent you die instantly. - I logged out and back in 2 times in a row on a server and the second time I logged in completely naked with nothing except a stripped AK in my hands. (the AK didn't even have the hand guard on it) - I was driving around with some buddies and we parked the car to loot up a store and when we came back the engine wouldn't turn on. (the car parts were all still pristine + full tank of gas and relogging did nothing) - Hyperthermia seems fairly broken because me and my buddy got our gear at about the same time (exact same gear) and he kept overheating and getting hyperthermia yet my character didn't even get hot a single time. - Guns have a tendency to disappear at random times if you log out with one in your hands. (happened to my friend 3 times) - If you log out inside a tent (player tent) and your tent is anywhere next to a wall or cliff the tent might bug out when you log back in and have you stuck between it and a ledge or wall. (relogging does fix this) - On server resets your tent might flip around and have the door on a different side then it was before the reset. (sometimes this works out in your favor though) I'm not 100% sure if these are all new issues but I thought I would throw all that out there.
  2. LoKey

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    After fixing my FPS issues with .60 it's kind of growing on me. The fact cars are spawning more frequently is pretty cool and it seems like getting a gun with bullets has gotten way easier. Until earlier today the private server I play on had no status bars though. Like you never got hungry or thirsty and it didn't tell you when you were bleeding either you just had to notice in the bottom left or see the blood coming off your character. That seems to be fixed now and everything seems to be going alright. I've noticed some bugs with dropping items every now and then and also experienced some heavy roll backs here and there but all in all nothing game ruining for me. Edit: Also forgot to mention running down stairs is kind of buggy. I chipped my leg going down the stairs of a police station and I know I didn't fall off of them. So that seems like something to be cautious of FYI
  3. LoKey

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Me and my friend are both getting way worse FPS then on .59. My computer isn't the best but it's definitely not bad (costed around 1k) and his is a higher end computer that he had built for him (costed him about 3k). Anyone else having this problem? I've actually had to lower my settings even more then .59 and still have way worse FPS. Not to mention I lagged my way through 3 or 4 cities and only found 1 can of food which is pretty BS lol
  4. LoKey

    DayZ SA or DayZ mod?

    I went with the standalone and it's been pretty fun so far :D
  5. I figure this question has been asked a lot, but I could not find any recent posts about it on google. So my question is pretty simple: Which version of DayZ should I get? I could get both but I'd rather buy some other games too since I've never played DayZ. I'm looking for which ever version has the most to do and the most active community to play with. I've seen lots of videos that make DayZ seem awesome and I'm hoping that's more then just the youtube appearance of the game.