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About diepepsi@gmail.com

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. diepepsi@gmail.com


    I find that fuller servers (>16 people) that the key areas (Starry and NWAF) are mostly totally empty (no zombie spawns at all). OR, busy as F with clan people and bandits. I would say its 80/20. 80% totally empty (people afraid of the ... 10% bandit population) and 20% some type of action.This makes them lame to snip and server hop on, so I would say this holds for the 100 servers ive hopped looking for kills. Wanna not get sniped? RUN FULL SPEED, NEVER STOP, lose/kill zombies inside buildings, then leave running full speed. That is the pro tip for ya'll nubbins.
  2. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Dear sniper camping elektro noobs....

    This is true!
  3. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    I agree, I have two accounts at end game (gili, nvg, range finder, 50 cals and m4 SD (one with AS50, other m107). End game is camping and shooting people for no reason besides murder count. I just want the most murders possible before someone kills me. So far, I have survived 2 attempts to teleport me into the air and have me fall to my death (thank you alt-f4!). The rat race to the top, is a LOT more fun than living at the top. Now I just log in, look for zombie spawns 600m away, snip newbs, or counter-snip snipers (one of my favs). I hope to fund a clan in a helo making a pickup, and kill all of them, I got 4 shots into one helo ... should of happen then! Lee enfields, or AKs in Cherno/electro is the most fun in the game... heart pounding, easy to get back to .. Cheap. Easy, Fun, I understand what the Joker was talking about in Dark Knight, I just enjoy the the simple things, and simple things are cheap.
  4. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Ban some bandits.

    DERRRRR Yesterday, I found 3 guys down in cherno, 1 with an M16, the other two with flashlights (hey, it was night time, prolly why right?) M107... my first triple kill, I cried with joy, then logged to another server to kill mor.... What? What would they have I need? I have everything. When I run out of MEAT and water, ill go hunt for it, towns are now pointless. ENd game is killing for fun and NOT looting. Do I need another compas? Do I need another set of NVGs? Do I need more range finders? Hell, I have two accounts, each with EVERYTHING (one rocks an AS50, the other a M107). Sure, once the free ammo bug is fixed, ill have to run into towns to look for m107 clips, that will reduce my life span DRASTICALLY. But I hope to hit 100 murders before then. I am trying!! Know whats odd? I watched a guy shoot someone else with an AS50, I then killed him, and got a murder (not a bandit kill). There is no damn way he wasnt a bandit, he was sniping from my spot.
  5. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Zombie Spawning - Increase range to 1000-1800m (max view distance)

    Server lag and old PCs that cant run this system isn't the point. The point, is gameplay. Which right now, is pvp, which makes zombies the #1 way to locate and snip someone. Which increases server hopping, as I would rather stay at my sniper nest and hop servers looking for players (aka, zombies in the town) than wait around for hours hoping someone comes to the town. That said, this fix will also reduce server hoping and make towns safer from snipers.
  6. Right now, I think you need to be within ~300m to have zombies spawn at structures. What this means, is that I can set out at 400-600-800-1000m and just look for zombies, to see if players are around. This tends to mean I spawn into a server, aim my AS50 at points of interest, and wait for zombies to appear. Afterall, to me, that is all they are at over 300m away, player indicators. This isnt very even for the players running into the town. They see the lack of zombies, telling them no players are around. I think you need to increase zombie spawns to max view distance from players. This way, snipers have something they can snip besides players at empty towns. Also, it allows players to not carry a large glowing torch with them where ever they go (aka, zombie spawns.) Yep, needs to happen. -Micah
  7. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Do you ever feel like getting awesome guns is a waste?

    yah, when I killed a dude and took his L85 and AS50, I bought a second account, and havnt used the L85 or AS50 since, it just sits there on my 'main' in a gili suit, outside of stary, forever... Useless afraid of losing it. While I go Bandit nuts in Cherno with my 'alt' and aks, lees, and pistols. So yes, its just pretty, and makes you afraid to lose it. NOw my alt has a m4 SD, and im afraid to use her for whats shes meant to be... damn it
  8. Living for 46 days IS PART OF THE ALPHA you punks. Guess what happens when you live for 47 days? Who knows, the guys who lived it, perhaps the database stops saving your gear when you hit 48 days, how are we going to know if no one lives long enough to test it. What a bunch of pimple faced rejects bitching about how others play the game, lol.
  9. NIce post, I agree with most or all of it. High powered sniper rifles, and military gear should be around in the game, but very very low on ammo. Such as, finding clips that are empty or half empty and having to combine them for a full clip. Practice Ammo control, and I promise, someone will take a winchester over the m16, when the m16 has 10 rounds and the winchester has 100. But we may keep the m16 in our bag :) More low grade weapons would make battles more serious, and would help focus group activities. But high powered (aka, long range) ability's need to stay in the game, just get limited to "really need to kill you" rather than "really want to kill you" banditry.
  10. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    lost my gun and clothing, thats fucked.
  11. I'm a Bandit, I like tracking down players and killing them (if armed). I think it would be nice, to know if players have been in a town, or out in the forest, or whatever. One way that might do this (without the hit of having a bunch of dead bodies around), since animals, players, zombies, all vanish when dead. Would be to implement a set of crows, or vultures flying around high above a spot of where a dead body was (be that animal, zombie, player bodies). For some set period of time, maybe an hour, and have a limit on the total number of crows within view, and have the crows go towards larger groups of dead bodies if a lot are in view. Also, it would give away my position as well, as I hunt for meat in the forest, or kill zombies. Right now, I can tell where players are by binocs and if zombies are there... As you can easily see further away then where you spawn zombies, its a pretty dead give away if someone is around or not. I would like that fixed as well, making zombies spawn-in within your view distance... so you don't know if players are around. Higher performance impact, but better immersion Thanks and Cheers -Micah
  12. diepepsi@gmail.com

    That thing you can't find

    Gili suit. ALl my friends have, just not me, and thats the worst :
  13. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Get more on top of cheating......

  14. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Do not get bitten as starting advice

    I think that most survivors are immune to the infection. So the bite thing doesn't fit, if that is true. Also, if anit-biotics fixed the infection, it wouldn't be the Apocalypse (we would be cable to cure people, and it wouldn't have gotten this bad.) If the antibiotics are 'new' and we just discovered them, they would have to be found at some working research center. I think we can all agree, every 'structured' part of society has fallen apart at this stage of the game. But I would enjoy some % chance to be a zombie(same health, same speeds and reduced vision as AI controlled zombies.) for a short while after you die. Just to let people burn off some steam, trying to harass players, after they die. Rather then running around with a flashlight and now way to release aggression after you died. Maybe let player controlled zombies attack AI controlled zombies as well *once again, just to get the steam let off after dieing* As for food, I think their is that progression already. I have some pretty wicked stuff, I cant go into a town and look for a can of beans to feed me, without being fully aware some sniper will take me out and reset me back as a noob. So I eat steaks or attack low pop towns with no good loot. Further making beans rare, I think would be unneeded. The harder we make zombies, the easier we make bandit's lives. Since they can snip into a town, outside zombie agro range, anyone that goes into a town is a sitting duck.
  15. diepepsi@gmail.com

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    its a 'fact' lol... btw, problem with survivor A? Hes running, out in the open... no wonder someone CAMPING with a kill zone took him out. Maybe all the walls, buildings and trees should be removed, and players should have a large red arrow hovering above them so that we all know exactly where people are. What is this, some type of Wii game?