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About snaiperskaya

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. snaiperskaya

    GDC Online Awards

    Yea, Award for the most full-of-cheaters game of the year(s).
  2. snaiperskaya

    AS50 or DMR for single weapon loadout?

    If you're well trained with sniper rifles, then get the AS50, DMR is easy to use.
  3. I think he was talking about cheaters.
  4. snaiperskaya

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Two times logged, two times unconscious without shock status... EDIT: Three times + 1 random respawn FFS!
  5. snaiperskaya

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ye, I'm just trying with the beta one
  6. snaiperskaya

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Watching from Balota (Thanks for fixing Balota respawn) to Chernogorsk. Same at Balota Airport. Changing video memory and AA didn't change a Duck.
  7. snaiperskaya

    Clan TRB causing problems on LU123

    I sniped no one, i had a M4A3 Holo. Sigh. "Learn the game" said the one who disconnect/reconnect to avoid death.
  8. snaiperskaya

    Clan TRB causing problems on LU123

    Yes, they're. Invisible hack, and some days ago "nuke" cheat; random flares and explosions. EDIT: I forgot. They spend about 10 minuts to return to Elektro full equiped after we killed some of they.
  9. snaiperskaya

    Wrong M4 Holo/M16A2 sights

    Sorry guys, i've just read that if using SD ammo, bullets are going to do it...
  10. snaiperskaya

    Wrong M4 Holo/M16A2 sights

    Am i the only one who can't shoot at "long" (more than only 50m) distance, cause bullet go up than where i shoot?...
  11. Today, after joined a 32 players server, we got all teleported to Chernogorsk (?) just near more and more bear trap. The only solution? Esc -> Abort
  12. snaiperskaya

    RGO frag grenades?

    Full of stuff? This is nothing...