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About white-rino

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  1. Sorry, i don't speak english very fluently, so I don't know this term " server hopping " before read your post ... My apologies ...
  2. yep, that's why i post that here. Have you got any suggestion to forbidden that kind of action ? Can't spawn within x meter of another player ? : too restrictive without faction ( can't spawn near my friend ) Miror damage vs player x time after of connection ? ( 1 min )
  3. Two days ago, i was looting in a red building, just in the other side of North hospital at Cherno, this building has only one entry, covered by my little brother. At the last floor there is a window that overlooks the plain, i saw 2 people coming their our building, so i shot one of them & kill him. The other one just run away ... So i continue my loot, & suddenly, i was killing by a M1911 just behind me, I fight my little brother so I would not have covered. But he say, I'm still covering the stair at first floor. He go up stair & died too. Thx cheater
  4. white-rino

    2 instakill, nightime, runnning ?

    I found this : Thx hacker
  5. white-rino

    2 instakill, nightime, runnning ?

    i don't know if that can help to find why but we looted a grey copter crash near stary sobor 30min ago And only 2 of us died, the third who was 2 min behind us don't died ... Why not but why I saw a white light, I think about lightning storm but ? wtf
  6. Hi, It was happen a strange thing ... We were running with a friend, & i saw a flash, some bip bip & i died, my friend 100m behind me, died one second after me.... We don't understand what's going on, no fireshot, nightime & running, 2 insta kill ? Explosion ? mines ? P.S: my friend saw some smoke We just want to understand what happened ...
  7. white-rino

    FR10 random ban

    who is in charge of this server ? We have question about admin kill or cheater this night ( 1h ago )
  8. white-rino

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hi, It was happen a strange thing ... We were running with a friend, & i saw a flash, some bip bip & i died, my friend 100m behind me, died the second after me.... We don't understand what's going on, no fireshot, nightime & running, 2 insta kill ?
  9. Since last patch, 3 vehicule disapear, a bus, lada, and pickup ...