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About FluzooTV

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    On the Coast
  1. There won't change anything in this direction. Thanks for insulting me, you're apparently not able to discuss a simple topic. Sad... Sad...
  2. Well.. it isnt at all. Solo Survival is a lot easier tbh. Theres absolutely no real reason to play in a group.
  3. Alright. Then let the "survival simulator" become the open world pvp game that it's supposed to be I guess. Something has to be done. DayZ is already loosing players because of lack of progress in the development. Furthermore there wont be any changes even if the game releases in 2072. let me correct this (Steam Shop Site) You can not just hope that players will understand the sense of the survival aspect of the game. As you see the community is already toxic enought to kill everything they see with their sporter.
  4. Greetings Guys, I'm playing DayZ since the release of the Mod and I'm still playing the game (even the mod). I've spend a lot time in the game and I came over a problem that needs to be discussed and maybe solved. DayZ is supposed to be a survival game in a zombie apocalyse. I guess everyone knows that. But why isn't the game like that? Everyone who plays the game knows that almost all interaction with other players is PvP. The rest of it mostly is a friendly interaction between players because noone of them has a weapon. Talking about zombies... Why are the zombies not the main-enemy in this game? For sure there are performance issues with a higher amount of zombies and I know the game is in early access. But maybe the developer should focus on a good combat system (maybe quicktime events) for fighting the zombies? The meele system sucks, we all know that as well. It's better than it was at the beginning but it still sucks. I'm feeling like playing one of this robo-arm games you remember from your childhood, when you tried to get this one teddybear. You keep getting him but somehow the arm never grabs the teddybear right. Thats the same thing with the meele system. All in all I'm talking about making the game more immersive! Look at your trailer guys... nothing of the shown happens in the game. Only on Roleplayservers you can have some serious interactions but in the end it's the unicorn-version of dayz, because Shoot on Sight is a big part of the game - but it shouldnt be the main focus of the game (like it is right now). What I'm trying to say is, that the danger from every side is a big deal and that's what makes playing the game feeling good. But there is absolutely no reason for anyone to play with other people except of their friends. So what is a possible solution for that? The character shoul'nt be a empty hull without emotions. Just saying the players chooses what he is doing does not work anymore. I'm talking about a system that simulates emotions of the character that is formed by the player itself. For example when a player kills another player for the first time (or even only see him) there should be something like a shock-moment. Give the player who killed the other one a disadvantage. For example if someone walks around alone all the time, he begins to hallucinate (seeing players or zombies where no zombies are for real). Only after some time he begins to handle the situation and the disadvantage fades. The more he kills other players the more he can handle the situation, up to a point where the player does'nt care at all. Furthermore force players to play together. Noone in the real world would ever survive alone. Your mind would kill you slowly, because people need other humans to survive/to not become an idiot (ever saw Cast Away the movie?). In the end you should make a system that does'nt kill the PvP at all but makes it more reasonable. The disadvantage you get should'nt force the players to be friendly all the time, but there has to be some reason play with other players at all. The system I'm talking about is not completely thought-out but it's a start for a real SIMULATION as you called it back then. pps. I'm not bad in PvP at all so don't even try to flame me. I don't give a sh*t.