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About achillius

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  1. achillius

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    Wow I remember this, ahh this was so much fun! Glad you bought it, I think we made a few people actually buy this! So still can not die, I still have faith the DayZ dev team have a lot in store! They have had the time, and patience of the community, now its time to really get the standalone working, and ready before DayZ misses the boat of opportunity! PS: THIS POST STILL CANNOT DIE PEOPLE!
  2. achillius

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

  3. achillius

    Admins read!

    If you inject the bypass ingame, the hacker has a high risk of getting caught by either Battleye or me, so I would never suspect any in-game injecting going on...
  4. achillius

    Admins read!

    Dallas 69... So far I have not got any reports of any hackers, but as soon as someone notices something from my friends, and regulars, I'd always get reports, everyone in Dallas 69 can always notify me of anything on the forums or ingame
  5. achillius

    Admins read!

    Well I've got a theory, and I've posted it inside one of the topics, but I believe it deserves its own topic, and would like some discussions between most admins, and if you think this theory is correct. Now ill let most admins here know a quick sneak a peak to what I do, and how I register bans accordingly, now a lot of the hackers will read this, but its good I guess... Let them be frightened, the best way to administer bans is actually very simple, everyone here knows that battleye cannot ban with a script bypass being used, now the good thing about us admins, is we have access both to the console, and the script logs now a person using the bypass does not get logged in the script logs, it does not show that this person even logged into the script logs, but the main server logs, the console, shows that this person logged into with this GUID, as soon as u see that he did not log in through Battleye it means he is using a script, and I am 100% positive that he is bypassing Battleye...there you go now go ban people :) I reached about 30 people in about 1 week... But hey this is my theory, because its impossible for everyone in the server to be logged in on both console, and battleye, but only a handful of people logged in through console, but not battleye...
  6. achillius

    script kiddie found i think

    You can not apply a bypass after you enter the game, that is an automatic Global ban/death sentence for the person doing it... Many hackers have forgotten to switch it on before they enter the server, and start using scripts inside the server, those are easily caught by us, and Battleye, but then the people who use the Bypass before I believe its the only way... You wont get in trouble for banning a ghost ;)
  7. achillius


    Just change your names...
  8. achillius

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    Hahaha my laugh is in the background, the main laugh belongs to Ryxxx Hahaha ty! Read my Signature! :P Now thats mean! :P
  9. achillius

    script kiddie found i think

    Hopefully my theory does prove worthy enough for the Devz
  10. achillius

    script kiddie found i think

    Oh man this made me laugh! I see those everyday, people with weapons I have never even come across, I've killed people with weapons like L15 sniper, and some other things, as much as I'd love to ban them... I can't its not under our hands, the rules of DayZ for admins are a bit dull, but you can not ban anyone without legitimate proof of them using a script/caught on video/ pictured... Now ill let most admins here know a quick sneak a peak to what I do, and how I register bans accordingly, now a lot of the hackers will read this, but its good I guess... Let them be frightened, the best way to administer bans is actually very simple, everyone here knows that battleye cannot ban with a script bypass being used, now the good thing about us admins, is we have access both to the console, and the script logs now a person using the bypass does not get logged in the script logs, it does not show that this person even logged into the script logs, but the main server logs, the console, shows that this person logged into with this GUID, as soon as u see that he did not log in through Battleye it means he is using a script, and I am 100% positive that he is bypassing Battleye...there you go now go ban people :) I reached about 30 people in about 1 week... But hey this is my theory, because its impossible for everyone in the server to be logged in on both console, and battleye, but only a handful of people logged in through console, but not battleye...
  11. achillius

    Military vechicle spawns disabled on server?

    Nope... Impossible, the Vehicles are managed directly from the Dev team, on the main servers, nothing us admins can do about it... You must be facing a case of people camping outside the map with those vehicles, I wont be surprised if they were... Now the UH is already spawning somewhere where people usually don't look, most of the people u see in a heli either hacked it in, or used ESP hacks to find those helicopters... I said most not all, and why do I say that? Simply because the location where the UH1H spawns is the place where no one even dared to venture to... Because the location has literally nothing... and u lose everything if you dare step into water. But in 3 days of the helicopters being added, everyone already owned a chopper, I found mine north of gorka almost completely red, in under 24 hours of choppers being released, until a hacker took the heli in no more than 24 hours, and crashed it somewhere... Thats DayZ for you. So if your looking for the UAZ or the offroad, its practically impossible to find them until like 1-2 weeks after they have been destroyed, some hackers do that when they come in just to destroy legit vehicles, for some laugh's :)
  12. Bad Idea to be putting ID numbers in the forums, people will spoof that crap, and this guys account goes byebye
  13. LMFAO! this reply was just epic!
  14. Ive banned over about 20-30 people just now, my whole server is covered with these scripts...