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About Grufftech

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    I do server stuff.
  1. Does this include both private and public versions of Chenarus, or just those connected to the DayZ Hive?
  2. Grufftech

    WANTED- hacker free server

    they don't exist.
  3. Yeah. As a player, I haven't really played since "thunderdome" hack was introduced. I'm currently hiding offline because I dont want to loose my NVG's and M4A3. I wont be playing until the hacker attacks stop, or in the very least become a rare thing. Its a every-20-minutes hack on our servers atm. Completely unplayable. As an admin, I can't in good conscience keep these servers online when I know for a fact all my users will die & loose all their hard-earned loots to some hacker.
  4. What server settings do this?
  5. So I run US124-127. Recently, It seems hacker attacks have been insane. In the last 24 hours, i've recieved almost 45 tweets from people complaining of hackers. I run BattleEye. I'm running uptodate copies of scripts.txt, bans.txt, ban.txt. I'm up to date with the latest arma2 beta, I run BEC... Scripts.log is broken since the last Arma2 Beta patch, and even then, its gigabyte of logs for 1 line that means nothing because there's no documentation on "bad scripts". Constant reports of teleport hackers. hackers giving people free guns an ammo. Overloaded with the amount of hacker complaints that I seemingly can do nothing about. As an admin trying to be responsible, Please, for the love of god, move server security higher up the to-do list, or pressure Bohemia to push DayZ high on its list, you guys are their money ticket currently, surely you have some muscle to move stuff on their priority list. I don't want to pull down my servers, but between complaints and trying to find needle-in-haystack style log entries, I can't do this much longer. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Other server admins? How are you coping with the insane amount of hacker complaints? How do you parse gigabytes of log files (99.99% of them are clean log entries)? What are you using for logs, did everyone's log break? -- Adam
  6. Grufftech

    Cannot start host on port 2302

    is port 2302 being used by something else on your server somehow?
  7. -- decided to email instead. --