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About SuperElvus

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  1. SuperElvus

    Problem changing server host

    Hello, I was hosting the server at my personal PC, but I moved it to my vpn. But there is an error when I run the server. I've changed all the settings i could find, but there is still this one but i can't find where I need to change. https://imgur.com/fNfB8LS The "D:/games/steam/etc.." folder was at my PC, when I was just running the server to configure it. Now it is running at "C:/Dayzserver/"
  2. SuperElvus

    Help me plz

    What I do is create a batch file with all the files I want to backup. https://www.maketecheasier.com/move-files-by-type-in-windows/ After that I schedule tasks to open that batch file using windows https://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-schedule-programs-run-automatically-windows-7.htm
  3. SuperElvus

    How to destroy a fence

    I built a fence wrong, there is any way to desmount or destroy it?
  4. SuperElvus

    Can't craft watchtower

    worked. thanks!!
  5. SuperElvus

    Can't craft watchtower

    But first i need to build the base right?
  6. SuperElvus

    Can't craft watchtower

    Hello, I'm able to build level2 walls but I can't build level 3 base or stairs. It was a lot of pain so I can build level1 base but that was far as I can get. I have 4 logs into level 2 but I can't find where to build it, I only see "dig up worms". https://imgur.com/yO9dhTy https://imgur.com/cNRUYjw
  7. SuperElvus

    crashed helli spawns

    Inside your mission open the file cfgeventspawns.xml and search for "StaticHeliCrash"
  8. SuperElvus

    Need help with Vanilla++ and AirDrop mods

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I've managed to make those two work last night, but it was SO BUG I even abandoned it
  9. SuperElvus

    Admin Menu

    You need to calm down. It was just a quote mistake i've made. Already edited my post
  10. SuperElvus

    serverDZ.cfg missing

    Just create one using notepad or notepad++
  11. Hello, The Whitelist works kicking logged-in player to make room to an whitelisted?
  12. I was able to run those two mods separately, but I can't make it work together. Vanilla++ https://github.com/da0ne/DZMods AirDrop https://github.com/mov3ax/airdrop My server is running only Vanilla++ and I need to make AirDrop work on it too. It's says to append the code inside MissionServer class, I find it at "ScriptedMods\Modules\ServerMission\DayZSurvival.c" but it does't work
  13. SuperElvus

    Admin Menu

    I just installed with succes this mod. There is a mistake in MarDeGra code: You need to set as comment the code that finds SteamIDs in admin.txt, also you forgot quotation marks in m_AdminList. Try this: Before -----Add Admins from txt----- write /* And after CloseFile(AdminUIDSFile); } you write */ So your code gona be like this: (where is 0000000000 you just change to your steam ID) override void Init() { Print("AdminTool:: Init():: Loading AdminTool Mods..."); m_AdminList = new map<string, string>; //UID, name m_TPLocations = new map<string, vector>; //name of town, pos m_ExtendedCommands = new map<string,int>; //Command, length m_AdminList.Insert("00000000000000000","null"); /*-----Add Admins from txt----- FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt",FileMode.READ); if (AdminUIDSFile != 0) { string line_content = ""; while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 ) { m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!"); } CloseFile(AdminUIDSFile); } */ //Add Towns to TP array
  14. SuperElvus

    How do i add mods to my dedicated server?

    Which mod? There are a lot of mods at github, all of them comes with tutorial to install it