Hello everyone. SERVER IS OFFLINE !!!
Not to long ago we started our Arma 2 DayZ Epoch server, the only thing we need now are some players ! Server adress :
Port : 3802
server name : Kinetic DayZ Epoch Chernarus (1.63/112555)
"""! 1.63/125548 !""" is the version of the game you need to have if you want to join !
What can we offer you ?
Starterkit for the new players
500+ vehicles
Deployable bike
Lift + tow
Trader safezones
AI Missions
Custom Map additions
Repair, refuel, rearm service points
Safezone(when you enter a safe zone the god mode will activate for you and your car... when you leave the safe zone the god mode will disapear after 5 - 10 seconds)
Good FPS, No Lag.
- No safezone camping
- No stealing from safezones
- Do not build withing 1000 meters from a safezone (or ask a admin for approvement)
- It's not allowed to perform an kamikaze attack into a base
- No glitching into bases
- Skybases are not allowed
- No racism or insulting words
We hope to see you soon ! :)
I can be contacted for help on ts3 or skype
ts3 adress: Nickname: Reflex
skype ID: dedman155 skype name: ♪★Ⓐndⓨ★♪