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Everything posted by rick57@gmx.de

  1. Well, you know... I shot the Sheriff :cool:
  2. rick57@gmx.de

    An attempted experiment...

    Cuz they are dicks :)
  3. rick57@gmx.de


    This Game is not meant to be played by n00bs
  4. rick57@gmx.de

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    You biggest problem would be those nasty ServerHoppin' dickheads. But hey, first step into a new Civilization :D
  5. rick57@gmx.de


    I thought a World populated by Zombies can't be worse then Hell. Guess I'm right :angel:
  6. rick57@gmx.de

    Maps ?

    http://dayzmap.info/ ;)
  7. rick57@gmx.de

    why are no body friendly

    People are dicks, thats why.
  8. rick57@gmx.de

    Who here loves killing.

    I enjoy helping people and teaming up with them. Once the real Apocalypse is imminent, You fellas will be the first ones to sit in a corner and cry in Anguish cause your precious little life's in danger. But hey, this Game wouldn't be as fun as it is without you guys. Keep it up and make us defend ourselves ! ;)
  9. rick57@gmx.de

    Survivors underpowered?

    I just wish there would be more real Bandits, you know the kind that threatens you for your stuff and not just insta-gib you once in sight. Too bad people are people :dodgy:
  10. rick57@gmx.de

    Side Chat Checker

    Same here, sadly SideChat is pretty rare nowadays :-/
  11. I like being able to see my Characters butt. 3rd > 1st IMHO. Different People, different opinions Spread the Love instead of fighting :angel:
  12. I want Street lamps now, just a few :)
  13. rick57@gmx.de


    You're a Hero in the Eyes of a small Man :blush:
  14. rick57@gmx.de

    Shoot on Sight

    Yea, its a damn shame... but maybe somewhen in the future, people will trust eachother again :sleepy:
  15. rick57@gmx.de

    Flashlight do not work?

    Press "L" while having the flashlight equipped.
  16. rick57@gmx.de

    Crashed heli locations?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20110&page=1 Everything you need in there :)
  17. rick57@gmx.de

    Spawn Mechanic - No Damage for X Seconds?

    Karma EDIT: ninja'd :<
  18. rick57@gmx.de

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    friendliest person you'll ever meet :) I get insta killed by other Players most of the time but idc, I'd still hug em if I could :)