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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. My enfield begs to differ :cool:
  2. I call Shenanigans or a GhillieSuit
  3. Peripheral Vision is what you were looking for :)
  4. Cherno, one of the Buildings has a secret cellar. It's like Amnesia all over again :s
  5. Well, once upon a time I had to respawn cause of me being dead, spawned somewhere near Kamenka and was making ma way to Cherno for some good starter lootz. There I was crawling near some Zed, when suddenly I hear that *shuffleshuffle* crawling noise behind be, so I stopped instantly, turned around and BAM there was a Guy right behind me, unarmed. He scared the shit out of me but as the last of the Friendleecans, I starter talking via VoIP "Yo dude, you f*cking scared me" "Wanna tag along?" -No response- I continued crawling with him right in my Ass, still talking to him, still no response. Once I got past the Zeds I hovered my Crosshair ( ye regular server ) over him and the tag said "Man". Right at this moment I shat ma Pants cause the only "Man" tags are usually Zeds on my map. I started running like the Devil himself was chasing me, looking behind me ever few seconds, No sign of him. "Phew, the fuck was dat" When suddenly that "Man" was right behind me again. I scare-quitted the Game in an instant. Haven't done any research yet but geeeez pretty Legen...wait for it...dary.
  6. Ye people are dicks, common knowledge. Nothing new here.
  7. Why build a Barricade with bad intentions in the first place ? :)
  8. taxi n00bies from the Coast to NWAF :rolleyes:
  9. You 2 gotta be strong in Body & Mind :)
  10. That made me sad. I hope that next time you'll be the one helping out a newbie and lend him a Gun maybe he won't kill you :)
  11. Gotta be sneaky, like a Ninja. Avoid those MilitaryCamps aslong as you're on your own. Oh and just for the Record, there aren't much friendly players left, most of em got consumed by hatred and just shoot on sight. Don't be one of em' :angel:
  12. QFT It may be hard but you'll have to be even harder. Don't fear those Bandits nor shoot em' on sight, hug em, let em know love and peace so we, as a Race, may have a chance to rebuild Humanity ! Dangit, gotta watch some StarWars now :sleepy:
  13. Dont join the darkside or you'll have to wear a pansie-Suit :
  14. Poor You :) One day I was strolling through the Woods when suddenly Fangorn appeared and broke ma legs just to watch me bleed out and die. Silly ents looking like trees :-/
  15. 1911. Being boss since CoD I :)
  16. Props to you good sir :)
  17. 10% getting PK'd 45% sneakin' around Cherno/Elektro 5% scouting an area I wanna pass 20% Random Shenanigans 15% getting f*cked over by wire/tanktraps 5% stalking people => 100% enjoying dis Mod :blush:
  18. I feel enlighted. We Need A KARMA System. You kill people, no good lootz for you. You help People, You'll find an NVG in a Barn. Too bad the Arma Engine would fuck dat Idea up :(
  19. tl:dr I betcha' OP would wet his Pant during a real Apocalypse :heart: