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Everything posted by tortillagamer

  1. I don't know if its lighting or what but Its like the screen has a seziure. I can't see anything infront of me. If I need to put screen shots i will.
  2. tortillagamer

    Dayz Graphics bug that is makes it unplayable

    Kinda like this but way more xtreme
  3. tortillagamer

    Searching for someone

    How old are you?
  4. Preferiably 16 or under add me on skype: Beastanator5
  5. tortillagamer

    Looking for 1 person

    How old are the people in the group?
  6. tortillagamer

    Looking For 2 Dayz Players

    Which one of the TomDaBomb are you?
  7. tortillagamer

    Looking For 2 Dayz Players

    I'll play with yah
  8. ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO 891 Mb of VRam Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU E2200 @ 2.20GHz Ram 2Gb Can I run It?
  9. tortillagamer

    Is this computer good enough to run dayZ

    It says it has 891 mb of vram
  10. I want to create a group that is for people under 16. We will use no exploits or hacks. If you are caught hacking or expiating the game you will be kick. How many people would be interested in a group like this. If you are just post saying so. If there are enough people I will figure out which server we will use,Which ts3, and who is in the group.
  11. tortillagamer

    Need Partner

    Just Pm me My Name is TortillaGamer I want someone preferably under the age of 16 or so just to make it less ackward. Also some one thats in the us so the time zones are messed up.
  12. tortillagamer

    Need Partner

  13. tortillagamer

    Need a partner

    Just Pm me My Name is TortillaGamer I want someone preferably under the age of 16 or so just to make it less ackward.
  14. tortillagamer

    Need a partner

    I'm Again looking for another partner for today.
  15. tortillagamer

    Question about streaming

    Do you have DxTory?
  16. I have the beta patch installed and I replaced the normal exe with the beta exe and it work last night and it wont work today.
  17. tortillagamer

    error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine

    steam but I fixed it without using steam and using six