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About Mestari123

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mestari123

    Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?

    It's simply too dark at night, even with flashlight i have trouble finding loot becouse the damn thing sucks .
  2. Mestari123

    Sniper Rifles

    Well im not looking for distance shots , i dont personally mind if its not in game but shooting m107 feels nice & it sounds absolutely beastly . + it's good for stopping cars
  3. Mestari123

    Sniper Rifles

    It shouldn't matter what sniper rifle it is M24 or m107 / As50 , it should 1 shot if hit to vital parts . Personally i would like to see m107 as super rare loot , always loved the sound & characterics of the weapon. The more weapons the better
  4. Mestari123

    Is it worth starting now?

    Well if you're starting now , atleast go play on whitelist servers cause everything else is hacker infested , I have been to many servers daily and in every server there is hacker , guy with godmode , guy with aimbot , guy with apache or teleport . Avoid russian servers like cancer , they are the most worst . If you can run for 20 min without being teleported to air or getting killed by hacker that just teleported behind you . You were lucky >:(
  5. Mestari123

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    At sniperhill in elektro , i tookd aim with my AS50 , aimed directly to the chest of an ghillie suit sniper killing some unarmed player at firestation. Then i tookd the shot , saw it hit him right in the chest , then another shot just for sure. At that point i noticed that he was hacker :) he didint die and started to look at my position, Soon i heard steps behind me ( he teleported ) and uhh , you can quess the rest . This is daily btw , i cant seem to live more than 10 min on servers , hackers all around , teleporting behind you and using god mode etc.
  6. Mestari123

    I'm really sorry camo dude!

    I was once nice player too, i gave a weaponless guy an m16 from my backbag cause i didint need it . Then after couple hours i was killed and i started to run back to a good looting place , where i met a guy with sniper rifle . He shot me on sight even when i said i was friendly and unarmed , so he killed me to get 1 bandage 1 painkiller , ok i respawned ran to difirent place only to get killed by a guy with an axe , and i was unarmed again. From that day i have killed everyone on sight , no remorse , you shoot or they shoot.
  7. Mestari123

    DayZ Stories

    I was guarding the old stone tower from " evil " bandits , suddenly i saw movement in the bushses , i got a fast glimpse of a survivor with crowbar on his hands. I kept an eye on the survior as he searched for any food / weapons to survive but for his bad luck there wasen't any . Soon he was coming to the tower where i was located , i stopped him at the lower stairs by pointing an Ak 74 at his face , hoping that he wouldnt make a mistake and try to attack me with an crowbar . I asked him if he was friendly , and well like most of us would have said at that moment, he was :D I told him that loot was maybe gonna spawn soon that he should wait inside the tower , after that he thanked me and i left the castle area to go search some deer huts . After a while of doing some searching i found m16 & 1 mag to it , i thought that i wont need that since i had ak + 4-5 mags , but then i remembered the lone survior at the castle tower waiting desperatly for loot. I tookd the weapon to my bag and sprinted towards the castle , when i got there i immediately heard foot steps from top floor , i asked if it was the same guy just to be sure , and he was . Then i tookd quite big risk and told him to take the gun from my backbag , hoping that he wouldn't shoot me . He tookd it and thanked and left :) im just still hoping that i wont get those bullets to my back when going to loot more places later today :s
  8. Had tons of fun before this new patch, got myself some good gear and zeds weren't superheroes like they are now , Now after new patch came out here's my thoughts. - no starting weapon , give us even makarov with 1-2 mags , no need for that god damn flashlight or atleast make it take less space in bag - Zeds are crazy , i basicly need to crawl trough entire citys / villages and with bad luck some zed bugs and comes after me from 500 m away -No items near beach , i checked like 5-7 houses and found uhhh hmm painkillers then i agroed a zed and died Bugs - when i first time entered server with the new patch i was teleported to middle of nowhere and needed to respawn ( lost all my stuff nice nice ) - Crawling trough a door made my guy break a bone -Spawning invisible and running front of 10 zeds without agroing them - when i pick something up suddenly all of my other items drop to the ground .