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Everything posted by Gosha

  1. Gosha

    LU64 banning people for vehicle hoarding

    who said we were butthurt? he destroyed the vehicles he didnt want and took the others and then he banned us. he stole the cars which doesnt matter, you win some you loose but cant do either when your banned.
  2. Gosha

    LU64 banning people for vehicle hoarding

    there are alot more vehicles, but many of them spawn in the coastal cities which gives them approximately no time whatsoever before someone comes blowing them up before anyone gets a chance to repair it :p
  3. Gosha

    LU64 banning people for vehicle hoarding

    most of them got stolen back and some we even followed until they parked and then picked it up, its a big map and everything but some places to stash camp is just pretty damn obvious, we had alot of luck, not a script nor any other cheat.
  4. Gosha

    LU64 banning people for vehicle hoarding

    Let me also quickly add that, one of our member got banned for server hopping, which is abit too harsh of a punishment in this case, and were blamed for cheating acquiring these vehicles. please let me also say that as an admin you have a responsibility to behave accordingly and give reasonable punishment no matter what relationship between players and you, dont pick any side. Sincerely Gosha
  5. Gosha

    Sex change

    Hey, was wondering if there is anyway to tweak the save file to change to male, i've been playing female for a while now and i dont wanna die, so i want to use my ghillie suit which i have had for ages and now i have like 3 so any way ? thanks for answer, i hope im not asking too dumb of a question' Regards Kevin
  6. Hey. Been trying for hours to get my arma to work, spawning continuesly in debug wilderness, sorta makes me f**king angry, anyhow when i run beta patch with -mod=@DayZ it only loads up OA and therefor missing Chernarus.map and without the addon command it runs CO but not DayZ i installed the damn beta file 1.60.93825 and it just wont load as it when i run CO on Steam and still spawning in Debug forrest no matter which server, and when i try to join 93825 server i get bad version blabla, anyone who has similar problem and managed to fix it? im really itching for some cherno looting atm. Regards Kevin
  7. Thanks for you explicit answers, i will fix my settings and check if it works :) It is now working properly, thank you so much for the answers, the problem seemed to be that i couldnt lauch CO on steam and have the patch working, now it working