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Everything posted by redsh1rt

  1. So much for invoking some discussion, lets troll instead!
  2. redsh1rt

    Looking for no-cheat server

    Cheating is part of the parcel of DayZ, and it will be a major issue we just have to suck up until DayZ becomes more than a mod (then the devs can lock down code and discard all the Arma2 stuff they don't need etc.). Even if people do suggest servers that don't have cheating taking place that often, it will just attract cheaters to that server just to grief.
  3. redsh1rt

    |Question|AKS-74 Kobra Vs M16A2

    Isn't the 74u a carbine? Also while SD rounds don't sound silent to players when use in a loud gun, to zombies they are silent. That's what I've been told, I havent tested it so I cannot confirm.
  4. I should totally be allowed to join a PVE server, form an orderly queue outside the barracks, loot all the best guns in the game and then join a PVP server and kill people with said guns... Some people really don't understand what this game is about. They just don't get it, they're too indoctrinated into the way games are today and the way you get rewarded and get instant gratification from them just for owning the game - you're suppose to be the hero, but guess what - you aren't. Without PVP this game becomes utterly pointless - I can survive indefinitely by hiding in a forest as it is. The goal is survival, right? Why don't all you risk averse people get some water canteens and hide in the arse end of nowhere with a water source and hunt for food. You won't ever die. So you won't have access to high end loot/tools, but you have no need for them - all you have is a want for them but you aren't willing to accept that that want comes with some risk. The problem lies with you, not the game. If you don't like getting shot at by random people without provocation stay away from airfields, hospitals, major cities, castles, the coast and frequented deer stands. What reason does a totally risk averse person have to visit those places? You can get by with matches, a hatchet and some refillable water canteens. All you have to do is hide in the hills where no one goes and you won't die. But that isn't enough for you, is it? You want to experience the game like the rest of us. Well then, you'll have to experience the game like the rest of us then... won't you? I've played Eve Online and I've seen this argument a 1000 times... and then another few 100 times here - I probably shouldn't have bothered replying because a new thread will start soon enough. Lock them all, it isn't what the game is about. You probably would not have heard of a mod called DayZ for a game called ARMA 2 if there was no PVP.
  5. redsh1rt


    Tbh this game is never going to make it unless we have dinosaurs.
  6. redsh1rt

    My first meaningful death

    Trust should be earned. You gave him a gun because he thanked you for helping him. You learn something new each time you die, treat death as a learning experience.... Wait... Are we Cylons?!?! *Goes off to see if there are as many skins as there are Cylon models*
  7. redsh1rt

    Spawning in wilderness

    I've lost a lot of good gear to that. Nothing you can do but hit respawn :(
  8. redsh1rt

    Hackers becoming a big issue!

    Encountered a similar hacker in Elektro, although his intentions seemed to be friendly (he was taking out zombies I aggro'd in my pursuit of him)... but he had what seemed like a gun from a battleship on his back and my group wanted it. Long story short, he was invincible.
  9. redsh1rt

    Has electro gone cold?

    Probably got lucky. Myself and a few others usually have the northern section of electro shut down when we play (although we're up in Stary Sobor atm).
  10. redsh1rt

    Did I have a heart attack?

    Maybe a hacker killed you? Happened to me the other day. A friend an I were in the middle of a forest miles from anything, and I suddenly started bleeding - so I bandage. Down to 11k bloody I run some more with my RL friend behind me... and I fall down dead, The debug monitor shows I still have over 11k blood. My friend has (or had since he recently died, the nub!) silenced guns galore, nightvision, the lot... so I just told him to forget about looting my body for fear of the hacker (or whatever weird thing killed me) killing him and log out. I've died quite a few strange deaths that clearly weren't players shooting me.
  11. This is exactly what I do. Run around like a maniac. If you do it right you shouldn't get hit by zombies (and if you do it wrong.... who cares you had no gear anyway!), and you aren't sneaking around slowly with a bullseye on your back to other players. You're still just as likely to get spotted by players (probably more so with the gaggle of zeds behind you) but atleast you're a moving target. Also... Never crawl into buildings, you tend to break your legs. This is an issue with Arma2... Not DayZ. It is bloody annoying though!
  12. redsh1rt

    So many damn veteran servers!?!?

    So is 3rd person view imo. "Oh noes I'm getting shot at by a guy on the hill in Stary Sobor, lets run in the doorway of a tent, bandage myself while turning on 3rd person... ah, there he is..." I did that the other day to kill a player, he'd have killed me if there was no 3rd person. I've also lay prone on top of buildings and used 3rd person to see all around me to kill unsuspecting players. It's cheap, but I do it because my friends chose that server for the day and I'm at a huge disadvantage if I don't use it. The game does feel a lot smoother in 3rd person though.
  13. Walk down the main street in Cherno and have fun. Record it and put it up on youtube so we can all laugh!
  14. I wouldn't use Fraps. I use Dxtory, it's much better.
  15. FYI guys they aren't zombies, they're infected humans.... God.... you people!
  16. I don't see the point in barbed wire except to block off access to loot (firestations etc.). Removing them is a pain, I gave up after a few minutes of trying WITH a toolbox... a few minutes where I could have been shot in the back. Either make the hit box much bigger for the purpose of removing the wire with the toolbox, or just get rid of it. Whilst I'm sure it will have uses in the future, atm it's one and only use is as an annoyance... to block buildings on a server that the barbed wire user may not even visit again.
  17. redsh1rt

    A good death!

    I got killed by a woman with a hatchet because of desync. That was a good death too, I suppose.
  18. Just put the current version of dayZ into the filter in your server browser and you won't have to worry about joining out dated servers. I only see servers in my list.
  19. redsh1rt

    Why is everyone a dickhead?

    I just shot someone in the face, before realising he'd typed that he was friendly. Why he waited until he was standing right next to me to say that I don't know, but I turned around and shit myself so I shot him.
  20. your a fool if people dont want side chat a option should be there to remove it for that player not the whole server most players enjoy global chat and will leave it on Except the people who want it off would be stupid to turn it off because it's a valuable source of intel.
  21. redsh1rt

    Sound when sneaking? Really?

    They don't have eagle eye vision... If someone ran (or sneaked for that matter) 100m in front of you in game would you be able to see him? I can see people crawling from 100m away, so having zombies see people run 50m away (or whatever the vision radius is) isn't that far fetched. New zombies just require new tactics. Change is always resisted.
  22. Do you hang around the coast/Cherno/Elektro by any chance? You're asking for it if you are. I have good gear and you're having a laugh if you expect me to trust a newly spawned player with a winchester. He's one click away from getting some of the best equipment in the game if I do trust him. Try the Survivor HQ sub-forums and get on teamspeak or mumble with some friendlies. It's the best way to play with like minded people - because I kill anyone who isn't on my mumble server.
  23. How many buildings are going to be in Arma 3.... 15? :P
  24. I think it's better. But then I never proned around towns or cities, because you are a free kill if a player sees you. There are multiple ways of getting past zombies. You can sneak.... you can run through them and LOS them.... you can throw flares/smoke.... you can fire your gun and move - firing a gun aggros them to your position, if they get to that position and they can't see you they will not follow you (but if they hear your footsteps as you move position they will investigate). Each method has pros and cons. It's harder than before, it's not one dimensional now... and lets face it, it was before.